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Computer Vision

Extend deep learning workflows with computer vision applications

Apply deep learning to computer vision applications by using Deep Learning Toolbox™ together with the Computer Vision Toolbox™.


Image LabelerLabel images for computer vision applications
Video LabelerLabel video for computer vision applications


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boxLabelDatastoreDatastore for bounding box label data (Since R2019b)
pixelLabelDatastoreDatastore for pixel label data
visionTransformerPretrained vision transformer (ViT) neural network (Since R2023b)
patchEmbeddingLayerPatch embedding layer (Since R2023b)
deeplabv3plusLayersCreate DeepLab v3+ convolutional neural network for semantic image segmentation (Since R2019b)
segnetLayersCreate SegNet layers for semantic segmentation
unetLayersCreate U-Net layers for semantic segmentation
unet3dLayersCreate 3-D U-Net layers for semantic segmentation of volumetric images (Since R2019b)
rcnnObjectDetectorDetect objects using R-CNN deep learning detector
fastRCNNObjectDetectorDetect objects using Fast R-CNN deep learning detector
fasterRCNNObjectDetectorDetect objects using Faster R-CNN deep learning detector
ssdObjectDetectorDetect objects using SSD deep learning detector (Since R2020a)
yolov2ObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLO v2 object detector (Since R2019a)
yolov3ObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLO v3 object detector (Since R2021a)
yolov4ObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLO v4 object detector (Since R2022a)
solov2Segment objects using SOLOv2 instance segmentation network (Since R2023b)
maskrcnnDetect objects using Mask R-CNN instance segmentation (Since R2021b)
fcddAnomalyDetectorDetect anomalies using fully convolutional data description (FCDD) network for anomaly detection (Since R2022b)
fastFlowAnomalyDetectorDetect anomalies using FastFlow network (Since R2023a)
patchCoreAnomalyDetectorDetect anomalies using PatchCore network (Since R2023a)
yoloxObjectDetectorDetect objects using YOLOX object detector (Since R2023b)
detectTextCRAFTDetect texts in images by using CRAFT deep learning model (Since R2022a)


Image Classification

Object Detection and Instance Segmentation

Automated Visual Inspection

Semantic Segmentation

Video Classification