Use MATLAB® and Simulink® to build motor models from libraries of motors, inverters, sources, and loads. Choose the level of fidelity in motor and inverter modeling based on your requirements and simulate motor control algorithms.
- Implement linear lumped-parameter motor models and use average value inverters with Motor Control Blockset™ for fast simulations
- Model and simulate nonlinear motor dynamics and ideal or detailed switching in the inverter using Simscape Electrical™
- Parametrize motor models to capture motor dynamics with the help of instrumented tests or import parameters from a database or finite element analysis
- Perform closed-loop simulations and automatically tune control algorithms using Field Oriented Control (FOC) Autotuner to meet speed and torque response requirements
- Design fault detection and protection logic to ensure safe operation
Try Examples
- Introduction to Brushless DC Motor Control –Video Series
- Reinforcement Learning for Developing Field-Oriented Control (6:12)
- Field-Oriented Control of PMSM with Simulink – Video Series
- Simulate, Design, and Test Field-Weakening Control Design with Simulink (41:18)
- Field-Oriented Control of Induction Motors with Simulink – Video Series
Motor Modeling:
Control Design and Optimization:
- Motor Control Blockset examples
- More motor control examples
Use Simulink to generate code for real-time simulation and testing.
- Perform rapid control prototyping (33:03) using a real-time target by generating C, C++, or HDL code for motor control algorithms
- Perform hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation (47:01) with sampling rates up to 1 MHz to validate motor controllers
- Find real-time simulation support from Speedgoat
Generate production-ready C and HDL code from Simulink for motor control algorithms to directly target embedded microcontrollers, FPGAs, and SOCs.
- Perform software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations to verify generated code
- Analyze, optimize, and implement fixed- and floating-point algorithms with Fixed-Point Designer™
- Automate integration, execution, and verification of generated code for processors such as ARM® Cortex®-A/M/R, C2000, STM32, Infineon® AURIX™, Xilinx® Zynq®, and Intel® SOC using Embedded Coder® and hardware support packages
- Use HDL Coder® and hardware support packages for code generation and deployment on Intel, Xilinx, and Microchip devices
- Ensure compliance with industry standards, such as MISRA-C™ and ISO 26262