Plots the current distribution and radiation pattern of a dipole antenna
Uses simplex algorithm to solve LP problems
Visualize the theoretical alcohol concentration in your blood based on your characteristics and drinks you had.
An interactive course designed as a teaching aid for teaching signals and systems.
Define a common eddy current testing scenario, sweep different parameters, and view the impedance plane plot
Farklı ışınım değerlerine maruz bırakılan bir güneş paneli hücresinin MPPT algoritması ve ayrık zamanlı PI kontrolcü ile referans takibi.
Rocket Engine Nozzle Design Tool
This app lets you calculate the climbing performance of an airplane.
Allows you to compare the straight-line Bode plot sketching rules to the actual plot given by the command bode() in Matlab
This application allows you to generate and analyze synthetic electricity load profiles of houses
Discrete-time convolution demo.
Determine Factor of Safety using Bishop's Simplified Method for Slope Stability Analysis.
Two Degree of Freedom Vibration Calculator with simple animation of two masses.
Plot Tanabe Sugano diagrams with custom values of gamma (i.e., C/B). Export diagrams, numerical spreadsheet, and symbolic equations.
XFoil graphic interface via Matlab
Matlab toolbox for the UC & ED Calculation
Metabolite Profiling Toolbox. Cplex and python are also necessary.
This GUI is a simple and easy-use tool for control beginners.
The relationship between the pole-zero distribution and the frequency response of a DTLTI system.
Future Cars - Solar Electric Vehicle Design.
Basic Rigid-body Interactive Contact Kinematics Simulator alias brick breaker game
Interface Gráfica Amigável para Quimiometria
ILC based PID controller with L and Q Filter for process plant
Data Smoothing using Smoothing Matrix
A toolbox to generate a reachability map for robotic manipulators.
This app gives you an initial estimate of the size of airplane components which can be further optimized.
Corrects perspective in an image.
An app to digitize the calculations after the wind tunnel experiment of pressure distribution in Lab Manual.
Visualize and optimize the response of a filter coupling matrix.
A GPU-enabled interactive demo of Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluids.
Sensor data analytics application example
Optimal Loading for a Power Station (Unit Commitment)
Composite control systems integrate feedback and feedforward strategies to enhance stability, efficiency and reliability in dynamic systems.
This app simulates target tracking using different motion models and EKF to estimate positions and sensor biases with visual feedback.
Simulates NaI (Tl) and HPGe Gamma Detetctors
An app for multisectional matching using Binomial or Chebyshev Matching techniques.
Quantify area of color features in RGB images
This app solves the mixing tank problems using system of differential equation and gives the solution in graphical as well as symbolic form
Convert mq-2 gas sensor raw resistance value to ppm value to particular gasses. gasses: H2, LPG, CO, ALCOHOL, CH4
Parameter Identification System for Fractional Order Model of Lithium-ion Battery
A spherical coordinate system is a coordinate system for three-dimensional space where the position of a point is specified by three numbers
A simple-to-use power flow analysis calculator
Plot trigonometric Fourier series of piecewise functions.
A program to extract the backbone curve from a desired hysteresis loop text file.
A time series sequence forecasting model using the General Regression Neural Network (GRNN).
This app generates a Design Of Experiment distribution
A Cascade Control System uses multiple controllers in hierarchy to improve process control, stability, and disturbance rejection.
McPherson suspension visualization and static kinematic characteristics
A Probability Project for Electrical & Computer Engineering at Eastern Michhigan University
A GUI for the visualization and solution of quasi-linear first order PDEs using the method of characteristics
The Digital Piano app allows users to simulate playing a 32-key piano on their computer through GUI.
PulseEvolution simulates the propagation of pulses in optical fibers by solving the NLSE using the Split Step Fourier Method.
Analysis of a single degree of freedom spring mass damper system.
4 & 5 Digit NACA Aerofoil Plotter
This app convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates and vice versa.
A program for structural dynamics analysis. Eigenvalue, transient and frequency response calculation. Focus on frame structures.
This is an app for - channel-by-channel image display - importing raw data and notes to the Matlab workspace from .ibw scan image files.
GUI:Design Neural Network
RCL Circuit Calculator
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