MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack

MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack

MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack

You have 2,000 characters of MATLAB code to show off your most interesting and beautiful animation. Look at what others have done and leverage what you see to make something unique.

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Create beautiful GIFs with MATLAB. Win Prizes!

Create original entries of your own code, remix others’ entries and make them your own, or simply vote on entries you love. Participants across all skill levels are welcome.

Contest ends on...

December 3, 2023









How to Play


Use up to 2,000 characters of MATLAB code to generate a beautiful animation. You can remix entries to create something different.


Promote your entry to gain popularity. Every time the community votes on your entry you earn votes!


Win awesome prizes, including Amazon gift cards and T-shirts.

Recent activities


(remember to add a tag "2023contest")

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