Fit Custom Distributions
This example shows how to fit a custom distribution to univariate data by using the mle
You can use the mle
function to compute maximum likelihood parameter estimates and to estimate their precision for built-in distributions and custom distributions. To fit a custom distribution, you need to define a function for the custom distribution in a file or by using an anonymous function. In the simplest cases, you can write code to compute the probability density function (pdf) or logarithm of pdf for the distribution that you want to fit, and then call mle
to fit the distribution. This example covers the following cases using the pdf or logarithm of pdf:
Fitting a distribution for truncated data
Fitting a mixture of two distributions
Fitting a weighted distribution
Finding accurate confidence intervals of parameter estimates for small-sized samples using parameter transformation
Note that you can use the TruncationBounds name-value argument of mle
for truncated data instead of defining a custom function. Also, for a mixture of two normal distributions, you can use the fitgmdist
function. This example uses the mle
function and a custom function for these cases.
Fit Zero-Truncated Poisson Distribution
Count data is often modeled using a Poisson distribution, and you can use the poissfit
or fitdist
function to fit a Poisson distribution. However, in some situations, counts that are zero are not recorded in the data, so fitting a Poisson distribution is not straightforward because of the missing zeros. In this case, fit a Poisson distribution to zero-truncated data by using the mle
function and a custom distribution function.
First, generate some random Poisson data.
rng(18,'twister') % For reproducibility lambda = 1.75; n = 75; x1 = poissrnd(lambda,n,1);
Next, remove all the zeros from the data to simulate the truncation.
x1 = x1(x1 > 0);
Check the number of samples in x1
after truncation.
ans = 65
Plot a histogram of the simulated data.
The data looks like a Poisson distribution except it contains no zeros. You can use a custom distribution that is identical to a Poisson distribution on the positive integers, but has no probability at zero. By using a custom distribution, you can estimate the Poisson parameter lambda
while accounting for the missing zeros.
You need to define the zero-truncated Poisson distribution by its probability mass function (pmf). Create an anonymous function to compute the probability for each point in x1
, given a value for the Poisson distribution's mean parameter lambda
. The pmf for a zero-truncated Poisson distribution is the Poisson pmf normalized so that it sums to one. With zero truncation, the normalization is 1–Probability(x1<0)
pf_truncpoiss = @(x1,lambda) poisspdf(x1,lambda)./(1-poisscdf(0,lambda));
For simplicity, assume that all the x1
values given to this function are positive integers, with no checks. For error checking or a more complicated distribution that takes more than a single line of code, you must define the function in a separate file.
Find a reasonable rough first guess for the parameter lambda
. In this case, use the sample mean.
start = mean(x1)
start = 2.2154
Provide mle
with the data, custom pmf function, initial parameter value, and lower bound of the parameter. Because the mean parameter of the Poisson distribution must be positive, you also need to specify a lower bound for lambda
. The mle
function returns the maximum likelihood estimate of lambda
, and optionally, the approximate 95% confidence intervals for the parameters.
[lambdaHat,lambdaCI] = mle(x1,'pdf',pf_truncpoiss,'Start',start, ... 'LowerBound',0)
lambdaHat = 1.8760
lambdaCI = 2×1
The parameter estimate is smaller than the sample mean. The maximum likelihood estimate accounts for the zeros not present in the data.
Alternatively, you can specify the truncation bounds by using the TruncationBounds name-value argument.
[lambdaHat2,lambdaCI2] = mle(x1,'Distribution','Poisson', ... 'TruncationBounds',[0 Inf])
lambdaHat2 = 1.8760
lambdaCI2 = 2×1
You can also compute a standard error estimate for lambda
by using the large-sample variance approximation returned by mlecov
avar = mlecov(lambdaHat,x1,'pdf',pf_truncpoiss);
stderr = sqrt(avar)
stderr = 0.1923
To visually check the fit, plot the fitted pmf against a normalized histogram of the raw data.
histogram(x1,'Normalization','pdf') xgrid = min(x1):max(x1); pmfgrid = pf_truncpoiss(xgrid,lambdaHat); hold on plot(xgrid,pmfgrid,'-') xlabel('x1') ylabel('Probability') legend('Sample Data','Fitted pmf','Location','best') hold off
Fit Upper-Truncated Normal Distribution
Continuous data can sometimes be truncated. For example, observations larger than some fixed value might not be recorded because of limitations in data collection.
In this case, simulate data from a truncated normal distribution. First, generate some random normal data.
n = 500; mu = 1; sigma = 3; rng('default') % For reproducibility x2 = normrnd(mu,sigma,n,1);
Next, remove any observations that fall beyond the truncation point xTrunc
. Assume that xTrunc
is a known value that you do not need to estimate.
xTrunc = 4; x2 = x2(x2 < xTrunc);
Check the number of samples in x2
after truncation.
ans = 430
Create a histogram of the simulated data.
Fit the simulated data with a custom distribution that is identical to a normal distribution for x2 < xTrunc
, but has zero probability above xTrunc
. By using a custom distribution, you can estimate the normal parameters mu
and sigma
while accounting for the missing tail.
Define the truncated normal distribution by its pdf. Create an anonymous function to compute the probability density value for each point in x, given values for the parameters mu
and sigma
. With the truncation point fixed and known, the pdf for a truncated normal distribution is the pdf truncated and then normalized so that it integrates to one. The normalization is the cdf evaluated at xTrunc
. For simplicity, assume that all x2
values are less than xTrunc
, without checking.
pdf_truncnorm = @(x2,mu,sigma) ...
Because you do not need to estimate the truncation point xTrunc
, it is not included with the input distribution parameters of the custom pdf function. xTrunc
is also not part of the data vector input argument. An anonymous function can access variables in the workspace, so you do not have to pass xTrunc
to the anonymous function as an additional argument.
Provide a rough starting guess for the parameter estimates. In this case, because the truncation is not extreme, use the sample mean and standard deviation.
start = [mean(x2),std(x2)]
start = 1×2
0.1585 2.4125
Provide mle
with the data, custom pdf function, initial parameter values, and lower bounds of the parameters. Because sigma
must be positive, you also need to specify lower parameter bounds. mle
returns the maximum likelihood estimates of mu
and sigma
as a single vector, as well as a matrix of approximate 95% confidence intervals for the two parameters.
[paramEsts,paramCIs] = mle(x2,'pdf',pdf_truncnorm,'Start',start, ... 'LowerBound',[-Inf 0])
paramEsts = 1×2
1.1298 3.0884
paramCIs = 2×2
0.5713 2.7160
1.6882 3.4607
The estimates of mu
and sigma
are larger than the sample mean and standard deviation. The model fit accounts for the missing upper tail of the distribution.
Alternatively, you can specify the truncation bounds by using the TruncationBounds name-value argument.
[paramEsts2,paramCIs2] = mle(x2,'Distribution','Normal', ... 'TruncationBounds',[-Inf xTrunc])
paramEsts2 = 1×2
1.1297 3.0884
paramCIs2 = 2×2
0.5713 2.7160
1.6882 3.4607
You can compute an approximate covariance matrix for the parameter estimates using mlecov
. The approximation typically works well for large samples, and you can approximate the standard errors by the square roots of the diagonal elements.
acov = mlecov(paramEsts,x2,'pdf',pdf_truncnorm)
acov = 2×2
0.0812 0.0402
0.0402 0.0361
stderr = sqrt(diag(acov))
stderr = 2×1
To visually check the fit, plot the fitted pdf against a normalized histogram of the raw data.
histogram(x2,'Normalization','pdf') xgrid = linspace(min(x2),max(x2)); pdfgrid = pdf_truncnorm(xgrid,paramEsts(1),paramEsts(2)); hold on plot(xgrid,pdfgrid,'-') xlabel('x2') ylabel('Probability Density') legend('Sample Data','Fitted pdf','Location','best') hold off
Fit Mixture of Two Normal Distributions
Some data sets exhibit bimodality, or even multimodality, and fitting a standard distribution to such data is usually not appropriate. However, a mixture of simple unimodal distributions can often model such data very well.
In this case, fit a mixture of two normal distributions to simulated data. Consider simulated data with the following constructive definition:
First, flip a biased coin.
If the coin lands on heads, pick a value at random from a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation .
If the coin lands on tails, pick a value at random from a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation .
Generate a data set from a mixture of Student's t distributions instead of using the same model that you are fitting. By using different distributions, similar to a technique used in a Monte-Carlo simulation, you can test how robust a fitting method is to departures from the assumptions of the model being fit.
rng(10) % For reproducibility
x3 = [trnd(20,1,50) trnd(4,1,100)+3];
Define the model to fit by creating an anonymous function that computes the probability density. The pdf for a mixture of two normal distributions is a weighted sum of the pdfs of the two normal components, weighted by the mixture probability. The anonymous function takes six inputs: a vector of data at which to evaluate the pdf and five distribution parameters. Each component has parameters for its mean and standard deviation.
pdf_normmixture = @(x3,p,mu1,mu2,sigma1,sigma2) ...
p*normpdf(x3,mu1,sigma1) + (1-p)*normpdf(x3,mu2,sigma2);
You also need an initial guess for the parameters. Defining a starting point becomes more important as the number of model parameters increases. Here, start with an equal mixture (p
= 0.5) of normal distributions, centered at the two quartiles of the data, with equal standard deviations. The starting value for the standard deviation comes from the formula for the variance of a mixture in terms of the mean and variance of each component.
pStart = .5; muStart = quantile(x3,[.25 .75])
muStart = 1×2
0.3351 3.3046
sigmaStart = sqrt(var(x3) - .25*diff(muStart).^2)
sigmaStart = 1.1602
start = [pStart muStart sigmaStart sigmaStart];
Specify bounds of zero and one for the mixing probability, and lower bounds of zero for the standard deviations. Set the remaining elements of the bounds vectors to +Inf
or –Inf
, to indicate no restrictions.
lb = [0 -Inf -Inf 0 0]; ub = [1 Inf Inf Inf Inf]; paramEsts = mle(x3,'pdf',pdf_normmixture,'Start',start, ... 'LowerBound',lb,'UpperBound',ub)
Warning: Maximum likelihood estimation did not converge. Iteration limit exceeded.
paramEsts = 1×5
0.3273 -0.2263 2.9914 0.9067 1.2059
The warning message indicates that the function does not converge with the default iteration settings. Display the default options.
ans = struct with fields:
Display: 'off'
MaxFunEvals: 400
MaxIter: 200
TolBnd: 1.0000e-06
TolFun: 1.0000e-06
TolTypeFun: []
TolX: 1.0000e-06
TolTypeX: []
GradObj: 'off'
Jacobian: []
DerivStep: 6.0555e-06
FunValCheck: 'on'
Robust: []
RobustWgtFun: []
WgtFun: []
Tune: []
UseParallel: []
UseSubstreams: []
Streams: {}
OutputFcn: []
The default maximum number of iterations for custom distributions is 200. Override the default to increase the number of iterations, using an options structure created with the statset
function. Also, increase the maximum function evaluations.
options = statset('MaxIter',300,'MaxFunEvals',600); paramEsts = mle(x3,'pdf',pdf_normmixture,'Start',start, ... 'LowerBound',lb,'UpperBound',ub,'Options',options)
paramEsts = 1×5
0.3273 -0.2263 2.9914 0.9067 1.2059
The final iterations to convergence are significant only in the last few digits of the result. However, a best practice is to always make sure that convergence is reached.
To visually check the fit, plot the fitted density against a probability histogram of the raw data.
histogram(x3,'Normalization','pdf') hold on xgrid = linspace(1.1*min(x3),1.1*max(x3),200); pdfgrid = pdf_normmixture(xgrid, ... paramEsts(1),paramEsts(2),paramEsts(3),paramEsts(4),paramEsts(5)); plot(xgrid,pdfgrid,'-') hold off xlabel('x3') ylabel('Probability Density') legend('Sample Data','Fitted pdf','Location','best')
Alternatively, for a mixture of normal distributions, you can use the fitgmdist
function. The estimates can be different due to initial estimates and settings of the iterative algorithm.
Mdl = fitgmdist(x3',2)
Mdl = Gaussian mixture distribution with 2 components in 1 dimensions Component 1: Mixing proportion: 0.329180 Mean: -0.2200 Component 2: Mixing proportion: 0.670820 Mean: 2.9975
ans = ans(:,:,1) = 0.8274 ans(:,:,2) = 1.4437
Fit Weighted Normal Distribution to Data with Unequal Precisions
Assume that you have 10 data points, where each point is actually the average of anywhere from one to eight observations. The original observations are not available, but the number of observations for each data point is known. The precision of each point depends on its corresponding number of observations. You need to estimate the mean and standard deviation of the raw data.
x4 = [0.25 -1.24 1.38 1.39 -1.43 2.79 3.52 0.92 1.44 1.26]'; m = [8 2 1 3 8 4 2 5 2 4]';
The variance of each data point is inversely proportional to its corresponding number of observations, so use 1/m
to weight the variance of each data point in a maximum likelihood fit.
w = 1./m;
In this model, you can define the distribution by its pdf. However, using a logarithm of pdf is more suitable, because the normal pdf has the form
c .* exp(-0.5 .* z.^2),
and mle
takes the log of the pdf to compute the loglikelihood. So, instead, create a function that computes the logarithm of pdf directly.
The logarithm of pdf function must compute the logarithm of the probability density for each point in x
, given normal distribution parameters mu
and sigma
. It also needs to account for the different variance weights. Define a function named helper_logpdf_wn1
in a separate file helper_logpdf_wn1.m
function logy = helper_logpdf_wn1(x,m,mu,sigma) %HELPER_LOGPDF_WN1 Logarithm of pdf for a weight normal distribution % This function supports only the example Fit Custom Distributions % (customdist1demo.mlx) and might change in a future release. v = sigma.^2 ./ m; logy = -(x-mu).^2 ./ (2.*v) - .5.*log(2.*pi.*v); end
Provide a rough first guess for the parameter estimates. In this case, use the unweighted sample mean and standard deviation.
start = [mean(x4),std(x4)]
start = 1×2
1.0280 1.5490
Because sigma
must be positive, you need to specify lower parameter bounds.
[paramEsts1,paramCIs1] = mle(x4,'logpdf', ... @(x,mu,sigma)helper_logpdf_wn1(x,m,mu,sigma), ... 'Start',start,'LowerBound',[-Inf,0])
paramEsts1 = 1×2
0.6244 2.8823
paramCIs1 = 2×2
-0.2802 1.6191
1.5290 4.1456
The estimate of mu
is less than two-thirds of the estimate of the sample mean. The estimate is influenced by the most reliable data points, that is, the points based on the largest number of raw observations. In this data set, those points tend to pull the estimate down from the unweighted sample mean.
Fit Normal Distribution Using Parameter Transformation
The mle
function computes confidence intervals for the parameters using a large-sample normal approximation for the distribution of the estimators if an exact method is not available. For small sample sizes, you can improve the normal approximation by transforming one or more parameters. In this case, transform the scale parameter of a normal distribution to its logarithm.
First, define a new log pdf function named helper_logpdf_wn2
that uses a transformed parameter for sigma
function logy = helper_logpdf_wn2(x,m,mu,logsigma) %HELPER_LOGPDF_WN2 Logarithm of pdf for a weight normal distribution with % log(sigma) parameterization % This function supports only the example Fit Custom Distributions % (customdist1demo.mlx) and might change in a future release. v = exp(logsigma).^2 ./ m; logy = -(x-mu).^2 ./ (2.*v) - .5.*log(2.*pi.*v); end
Use the same starting point transformed to the new parameterization for sigma
, that is, the log of the sample standard deviation.
start = [mean(x4),log(std(x4))]
start = 1×2
1.0280 0.4376
Because sigma
can be any positive value, log(sigma)
is unbounded, and you do not need to specify lower or upper bounds.
[paramEsts2,paramCIs2] = mle(x4,'logpdf', ... @(x,mu,sigma)helper_logpdf_wn2(x,m,mu,sigma), ... 'Start',start)
paramEsts2 = 1×2
0.6244 1.0586
paramCIs2 = 2×2
-0.2802 0.6203
1.5290 1.4969
Because the parameterization uses log(sigma)
, you have to transform back to the original scale to get an estimate and confidence interval for sigma
sigmaHat = exp(paramEsts2(2))
sigmaHat = 2.8823
sigmaCI = exp(paramCIs2(:,2))
sigmaCI = 2×1
The estimates for both mu
and sigma
are the same as in the first fit, because maximum likelihood estimates are invariant to parameterization. The confidence interval for sigma
is slightly different from paramCIs1(:,2)