What Are Projects?
You can use projects to help you organize your work. Find all your required files; manage and share files, settings, and user-defined tasks; and interact with source control.
If your work involves any of the following:
More than one model file
More than one model developer
More than one model version
— then a project can help you organize your work. You can manage all the files you need in one place — all MATLAB® and Simulink® files, and any other file types you need such as data, requirements, reports, spreadsheets, tests, or generated files.
Projects can promote more efficient team work and individual productivity by helping you:
Find all the files that belong with your project.
Create standard ways to initialize and shut down a project.
Create, store, and easily access common operations.
View and label modified files for peer review workflows.
Share projects using built-in integration with Subversion® (SVN) or Git™, external source control tools.
Starting in R2019a, you can use projects in MATLAB, with or without Simulink. You can share projects with users who do not have Simulink.
For information on basic project workflows in MATLAB, see Projects.
Projects provide additional tools to help with Simulink workflows. For example:
Opening models and running customizations on startup
Checking for shadowed model files
Dependency analysis of models, subsystems, libraries and library blocks, data files, requirements, and generated code
Automatic refactoring help for models, libraries, library links, model references, model callbacks, S-functions, buses and bus elements
Comparing and merging differences in models.
For help on project workflows in Simulink, see Project Management.
See the Web page /products/simulink/projects.html
for the
latest information, downloads, and videos.
To get started with managing your files in a project:
Try an example project to see how the tools can help you organize your work. See Explore Project Tools with the Airframe Project.
Create a new project. See Create a New Project from a Folder.
Analyze your project and check required files by using the Dependency Analyzer. See Run a Dependency Analysis.
Explore views of your files. See Work with Project Files.
Create shortcuts to save and run frequent tasks. See Use Shortcuts to Find and Run Frequent Tasks.
Run custom task operations on batches of files. See Run a Project Custom Task and Publish Report.
If you use a source control integration, you can use the Modified files view to review changes, compare revisions, and commit modified files. If you want to use source control with your project, see About Source Control with Projects.
For guidelines on structuring projects, see Collaborative Modeling.