Coexistence Modeling
Bluetooth® Toolbox features and reference examples enable you to evaluate the performance of Bluetooth basic rate/enhanced data rate (BR/EDR) and low energy (LE) systems in the presence of WLAN signal interference.
Use the coexistence modeling capabilities of the toolbox to:
Create and configure a shared channel between Bluetooth and WLAN.
Simulate and visualize noncollaborative coexistence between Bluetooth and WLAN and mitigate interference by using adaptive frequency hopping (AFH).
Select a Bluetooth LE channel index for connection, periodic advertising, and isochronous events.
Generate a Bluetooth BR/EDR hopping sequence for inquiry, paging, and connection procedures.
addTrafficSource | Add data traffic source to Bluetooth LE node (Since R2022a) |
configureConnection | Configure LL connection between Bluetooth LE Central and Peripheral nodes (Since R2022a) |
configureScheduler | Configure baseband scheduler at Bluetooth BR/EDR Central node (Since R2023a) |
statistics | Get statistics of Bluetooth LE node (Since R2022a) |
wirelessNetworkSimulator | Wireless network simulator (Since R2022b) |
bluetoothLENode | Bluetooth LE node (Since R2022a) |
bluetoothNode | Bluetooth BR/EDR node (Since R2022b) |
bluetoothLEConnectionConfig | Bluetooth LE LL connection configuration parameters (Since R2022a) |
bluetoothConnectionConfig | Bluetooth BR/EDR connection configuration parameters (Since R2022b) |
bleChannelSelection | Bluetooth LE channel index selection (Since R2019b) |
bluetoothFrequencyHop | Bluetooth BR/EDR channel index for frequency hopping (Since R2020b) |
networkTrafficOnOff | On-Off application traffic pattern generator (Since R2022a) |
- Bluetooth-WLAN Coexistence
Understand the coexistence of Bluetooth and WLAN.
- Bluetooth LE Node Statistics
Explore the statistics of Bluetooth LE node.
- Bluetooth BR/EDR Node Statistics
Explore the statistics of Bluetooth BR node.
- Create, Configure, and Simulate Bluetooth BR/EDR Piconet
Use Bluetooth node object to create, configure, and simulate Bluetooth BR piconet.
- Simulate Multiple Bluetooth BR/EDR Piconets with ACL Traffic
Use Bluetooth node object to create, configure, and simulate multiple Bluetooth BR piconets with ACL traffic.