Performing Power System Studies
Patrice Brunelle, IREQ - Hydro Québec
Electrical power systems that include advanced measurement infrastructure, large penetrations of distributed energy resources, integration of power converters, and operation of non-standard components, introduce an increased level of both risk and opportunity, compared to traditional power systems. Simulation models are an essential part of power system studies, but a broader computational framework is needed to extract the most value from those studies, and reduce the risk of the decisions that you make from the outcome of those studies.
In this webinar, bat365 and IREQ will demonstrate the following tasks within power system studies through worked examples,
- Developing simulation models suitable for different time periods
- Replaying recorded data through a simulation model
- Developing a customized simulation component
- Running multiple scenarios on multiple cores
- Working with large amounts of simulation data
- Automating the generation of reports
Recorded: 2 Jun 2015