Video length is 33:52

Optimizing Vehicle Electrical Design Through System-Level Simulation

Optimization of vehicle electrical system must take into account the full range of driving and operating conditions. With increasing design complexity, the traditional trial-and-error-based electrical engineering practice is becoming inadequate to ensure robustness of the electrical system throughout diverse driving and operating conditions. In particular, the battery and alternator must be optimally sized such as there is sufficient capacity to power electrical loads, while also minimizing vehicle cost and engineering cost.

In this webinar, Vijayalayan R and Robyn Jackey from bat365 will demonstrate a simulation-led design approach which reduces reliance on physical prototypes and vehicle based testing.  The approach includes the development of a fast and accurate vehicle electrical system model in Simscape, capturing of dynamic test conditions in Simulink, and parameterizing the model with real data using Simulink Design Optimization and Model-Based Calibration Toolbox.

A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.

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Recorded: 5 Sep 2012