Design Combinatorial and Sequential Logic for MATLAB programs using State Machines in Stateflow
Programming state machines and complex logic using deeply nested if-else or switch-case statements can be difficult to share, review, and maintain. To address this Stateflow® lets you describe how your MATLAB® algorithms react to input signals, events, and time-based conditions using state transition diagrams and flow charts. In this webinar we show how Stateflow® lets you graphically program and execute MATLAB® objects. These objects can be used to represent communication protocols, user interfaces, pattern detection, and other logic for reactive systems. You can use graphical animation to analyze and debug your logic, and use edit-time and run-time checks to ensure design consistency and completeness.
About the Presenters
Corey Lagunowich is a senior applications engineer at bat365, based in Massachusetts, USA, specializing in Stateflow and Simulink workflows. Prior to bat365 he was a systems architect and project technical lead for L-3 Communications.
Rick Boldt is a Product Marketing Manager at bat365, based in Massachusetts, USA, specializing in Stateflow and Systems Engineering workflows. Prior to bat365 he was a product manager for several modeling and simulation products for engineers. He started his career as a design engineer at Raytheon.
Recorded: 11 Apr 2019