Cris LaPierre
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Making a graph with multiple different colors
Just use plot with a legend data = readmatrix('project.xlsx') varNames = ["Number","Amplitude","PSD","Recurrance_Rate","Recurr...
9 hours ago | 1
This code needs to perform a 1D transient heat transfer analysis with Cp and k changing at each node after the initial values are defined.
Your code is written expecting Fo and Bi to be a vectors, but they are scalars, so only ever has 1 element. You get this error a...
11 hours ago | 0
Make a presentation with actxserver without displaying the presentation
See this example: /matlabcentral/answers/1793235-axes-box-incompletely-copied-to-clipboard#answer_10408...
12 hours ago | 1
Close PowerPoint with actxserver
I think something like this should do it. h = actxserver('PowerPoint.Application') h.Quit If not, you could try this. invoke...
12 hours ago | 0
Error using readtable after R2023a update
The error has nothing to do with your version of MATLAB. You wrote your code expecting it to load multiple files, and now the nu...
13 hours ago | 0
Using groupsummary with Floating Number of Columns to Analyze
There is nothing wrong with your first code snippet. The error is simply telling you that your table does not have a variable (c...
14 hours ago | 1
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Hello, facing a problem on running first part of the program showing the given error ; i also add the 2nd part of this program and 2nd para and errors too.
The current error is that you cannot compare using '==' with a cell. The solution is likely as simple as using curly braces inst...
14 hours ago | 0
How to find the index of string column in a table?
First comment - none of your table variables are strings. They are cell arrays of character vectors. That may matter depending h...
14 hours ago | 1
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Is it possible to reconstruct the signal wave after you done the whole fft function by using the ifft?
To get the original signal back, zero out the frequencies in z, not abz. Here's your code with a few changes added % EDIT: load...
15 hours ago | 0
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Different Colors in plot and legend
Legends take their linespec from the line object they correspond to. They are assigned in the same order they are plotted unless...
1 day ago | 0
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Reading data from csv with non uniform formatting
I would use readtable with the settings to 'omitrow' when data is missing. T = readtable('sample.csv','MissingRule','omitrow')
1 day ago | 0
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Updating a graph by changing which column of a matrix is being plotted to create an animation.
You may be interested in the animatedline function. I would probably do this by creating the first plot outside the for loop, t...
5 days ago | 0
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Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1. Error in case00 (line 91) P(i) = P(i) + V(i)* V(k)*(G(i,k)*cos(del(i)-del(k)) + B(i,k)*sin(del(
Position 2 refers to your column index. The only variable in that line that is indexing columns is G. You are trying to access ...
5 days ago | 0
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Using Switch/Case to assign values
I suspect the error is not occuring in the lines of code you have shared, but later on in another function when you try to use e...
6 days ago | 0
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How to make contents of a row as the name of the variables of a data table?
To be variable names, your row must either contain character arrays or strings. See here. You assign the names using the syntax...
6 days ago | 0
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Bandpass Filter Not Filtering Signal
Filters have transition regions. The likely reason is that your filter steepness is not high enough to both pass a 30 Hz signal ...
6 days ago | 0
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How do I add lines on a scatter graph?
A scatter plot is just markers, no line. You need to use the plot function instead. Also, you only need to turn 'hold on' once...
6 days ago | 0
I am getting an error in ode45
It's helpful if you also share the error you are getting. In this case, the error is stating that your odefun must return a co...
6 days ago | 0
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split the job problem
Did you read the warning message? You need to remove the spaces in your folder names.
6 days ago | 0
Why is NaN returned when I have all necessary input data?
Because no peaks were identified in your signal. It would appear the setting in findpeaks are not appropriate for your signal. ...
6 days ago | 0
Here's where my googling led me: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article/13/5/1555/353716/Toolbox-for-Analysis-o...
6 days ago | 0
Why I got an error in "plot(X1,sqrt(2*g*X1)*tanh(sqrt(2*g*X1)/(2*L)*t),'o')" in the following code??
There is no error in your code. Just a warning because you are plotting imaginary numbers.
6 days ago | 0
I have a problem regarding an Index because it exceeds array bounds.
I suspect X is not the size you think it is. Since your error is saying that the max number of rows is 37, it appears that perha...
7 days ago | 0
How to avoid horizontal shifts after applying GroupByColor on boxcharts?
Typically, groups of boxplots share the same x value (see here and here). So what is happening is MATLAB is making room for one ...
7 days ago | 0
Error: Custom function fitting in MATLAB
data2fit2(:) and model_data(:) and weights4scaling do not all have the same size. A = rand(3) B = rand(2,1) % Your error A-B...
7 days ago | 0
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how can I process certien frames from a video?
How are you reading in your frames? Are you using VideoReader? I haven't tried it, but following the examples on the linked pa...
7 days ago | 0
Change UTC settings in Matlab Grader
If you are creating a MATLAB Grader course (i.e. hosted at grader.bat365), you can set your timezone in the Edit Course s...
7 days ago | 0
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Seeking help to list all Yticks
You need to set yticks first, then assign a label for each tick. Something like this (updated code a little). data = readtabl...
8 days ago | 0
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How can I access a record of the Command Window using MATLAB Grader?
One workaround could be to write an assessment test that calls the functions using evalc. This captures the command window outpu...
8 days ago | 0
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Importing data from an Excel file with multiple tabs
Use the 'Sheet' name-value pair to indicate which sheet to read the data from. Documented here: /help/m...
11 days ago | 0
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