Visualizes the start and end dates of various tasks in a project.
This toolbox contains the MATLAB code for the technical article "Creating Specialized Charts with MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming".
Creates a chart with a mean line within a shaded confidence interval area.
A spike raster plot from spike time stamps with optional trial and group data.
The Fill Between Area Curve creates a shaded area between two data series, effectively highlighting the region of overlap or difference.
Plots a line chart with a filled gradient using explicit triangulation for optimization.
Create a Venn/Euler diagram for sets which can be area-proportional.
bubblePieChart Creates a bubble pie chart.
A scatter where the color (and/or transparency) of the markers indicates the density of points.
The Horizon Chart displays time-series data in a compact/layered format, improving readability and enabling comparison of multiple datasets
Create a thermometer style chart with a stem, bulb, and desired labels.
deltaplot creates multiple line segments, each showing the difference between pairs of values.
A multi-color line based on a 2D trajectory with corresponding color data.
A bullet chart is a variation of bar chart which is used to show expected values against actual values.
eventStackChart visualizes the duration of events by time-of-day or time-of-year.