Open model, library, subsystem, or block dialog box
opens the specified model, library, subsystem, or block. This is equivalent to
double-clicking the model or library in the Current Folder Browser, or the
subsystem or block in the Simulink® Editor. obj
A model or library opens in a new window. For a subsystem or block within a model, the behavior depends on the type of block and its properties.
Any OpenFcn callback parameter is evaluated.
If there is no OpenFcn callback, and a mask is defined, the mask parameter dialog box opens.
Without an OpenFcn callback or a mask parameter, Simulink opens the object.
A referenced model opens in a new window.
A subsystem opens in a new tab in the same window.
For blocks, the parameters dialog box for the block opens.
To open a specific subsystem or block, you must load the model or library containing it. Otherwise Simulink returns an error.
You can override the default behavior by supplying a second input argument.
the specified model or library without opening the Simulink Editor. This is equivalent to using sys
opens the subsystem sbsys
in a new Simulink Editor window. Before opening a specific subsystem or block, load
the model or library containing it. Otherwise Simulink returns an error.
opens the subsystem in a new Simulink Editor tab in the same window. Before opening a specific subsystem
or block, load the model or library containing it. Otherwise Simulink returns an error.sbsys
opens the mask dialog box of the block or subsystem specified by
. Load the model or library containing
before opening it.
looks under the mask of a masked block or subsystem. It opens the dialog box of
the block under the mask or opens a masked subsystems in a new Simulink Editor tab. This is equivalent to the Look Under
Mask menu item. Before opening a specific subsystem or block,
load the model or library containing it. Otherwise Simulink returns an error.blk
opens the block parameter dialog box.blk
runs the block callback blk
Input Arguments
To open a referenced model in the context of a model hierarchy, use the open
function with a Simulink.BlockPath
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
See Also
| load_system
| close_system
| save_system
| open