C MEX S-Function Examples
About S-Function Examples
All examples are based on the C MEX S-function templates
and sfuntmpl_doc.c
. Open
. for a detailed discussion of the
S-function template.
Continuous States
The csfunc.c
example shows how to model a continuous system
with states using a C MEX S-function. The following Simulink® model uses this S-function.
In continuous state integration, the Simulink solvers integrate a set of continuous states using the following equations.
S-functions that contain continuous states implement a state-space equation. The
method contains the output portion and
method contains the derivative portion of the
state-space equation. To visualize how the integration works, see the flow chart in
Simulink Engine Interaction with C S-Functions. The output equation
corresponds to the mdlOutputs
in the major time step. Next, the
example enters the integration section of the flow chart. Here the Simulink engine performs a number of minor time steps during which it calls
and mdlDerivatives
. Each of
these pairs of calls is referred to as an integration stage.
The integration returns with the continuous states updated and the simulation time
moved forward. Time is moved forward as far as possible, providing that error
tolerances in the state are met. The maximum time step is subject to constraints of
discrete events such as the actual simulation stop time and the user-imposed
The csfunc.c
example specifies that the input port has direct
feedthrough. This is because matrix D
is initialized to a nonzero
matrix. If D
is set equal to a zero matrix in the state-space
representation, the input signal is not used in mdlOutputs
. In
this case, the direct feedthrough can be set to 0
, which
indicates that csfunc.c
does not require the input signal when
executing mdlOutputs
The S-function csfunc.c
begins with #define
statements for the S-function name and level, and a #include
statement for the simstruc.h
header. After these statements,
the S-function can include or define any other necessary headers, data, etc. The
example defines the variable
as a pointer to the first input port's signal and
initializes static variables for the state-space matrices.
/* File : csfunc.c * Abstract: * * Example C S-function for defining a continuous system. * * x' = Ax + Bu * y = Cx + Du * * For more details about S-functions, see matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/blocks/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c. * * Copyright 1990-2013 The bat365, Inc. */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME csfunc #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #include "simstruc.h" #define U(element) (*uPtrs[element]) /* Pointer to Input Port0 */ static real_T A[2][2]={ { -0.09, -0.01 } , { 1 , 0 } }; static real_T B[2][2]={ { 1 , -7 } , { 0 , -2 } }; static real_T C[2][2]={ { 0 , 2 } , { 1 , -5 } }; static real_T D[2][2]={ { -3 , 0 } , { 1 , 0 } };
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSizes
then sets
up the following S-function characteristics.
sets the number of expected S-function dialog parameters to zero.ssSetNumSFcnParams
determines how many parameters the user actually entered into the S-function dialog. If the number of user-specified parameters does not match the number returned byssGetSFcnParamsCount
, the S-function errors out.ssGetNumSFcnParams
If the S-function parameter count passes,
sets the number of continuous and discrete states using
, respectively. This example has two continuous states and zero discrete states.ssSetNumDiscStates
Next, the method configures the S-function to have a single input and output port, each with a width of two to match the dimensions of the state-space matrices. The method passes a value of
to indicate the input port has direct feedthrough.ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough
initializes one sample time, which thessSetNumSampleTimes
function configures later.The S-function indicates that no work vectors are used by passing a value of
, etc. You can omit these lines because zero is the default value for all of these macros. However, for clarity, the S-function explicitly sets the number of work vectors.ssSetNumIWork
sets any applicable options. In this case, the only option isssSetOptions
, which stipulates that the code is exception free.
The mdlInitializeSizes
function for this example is shown
/*====================* * S-function methods * *====================*/ /* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * Determine the S-function block's characteristics: * number of inputs, outputs, states, etc. */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0); /* Number of expected parameters */ if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { return; /* Parameter mismatch reported by the Simulink engine*/ } ssSetNumContStates(S, 2); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0); if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 2); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 2); ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1); ssSetNumRWork(S, 0); ssSetNumIWork(S, 0); ssSetNumPWork(S, 0); ssSetNumModes(S, 0); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0); /* Take care when specifying exception free code - see sfuntmpl_doc.c */ ssSetOptions(S, SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE); }
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSampleTimes
specifies the S-function sample rates. The value
passed to the
macro specifies that the first S-function sample rate be continuous.
then specifies an offset time of zero for this sample rate. The call to
tells the
solver to use the default rule to determine if referenced models containing this
S-function can inherit their sample times from the parent model.
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * Specify that we have a continuous sample time. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S); }
The optional S-function method mdlInitializeConditions
initializes the continuous state vector. The #define
statement before this method is required for the Simulink engine to call this function. In the example below,
obtains a pointer to the continuous state vector. The ssGetContStates
loop then initializes each state to zero.
#define MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS /* Function: mdlInitializeConditions ======================================== * Abstract: * Initialize both continuous states to zero. */ static void mdlInitializeConditions(SimStruct *S) { real_T *x0 = ssGetContStates(S); int_T lp; for (lp=0;lp<2;lp++) { *x0++=0.0; } }
The required mdlOutputs
function computes the output signal
of this S-function. The beginning of the function obtains pointers to the first
output port, continuous states, and first input port. The S-function uses the
data in these arrays to solve the output equation
/* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * y = Cx + Du */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0); real_T *x = ssGetContStates(S); InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); UNUSED_ARG(tid); /* not used in single tasking mode */ /* y=Cx+Du */ y[0]=C[0][0]*x[0]+C[0][1]*x[1]+D[0][0]*U(0)+D[0][1]*U(1); y[1]=C[1][0]*x[0]+C[1][1]*x[1]+D[1][0]*U(0)+D[1][1]*U(1); }
The mdlDerivatives
function calculates the continuous state
derivatives. Because this function is an optional method, a
statement must precede the function. The
beginning of the function obtains pointers to the S-function continuous states,
state derivatives, and first input port. The S-function uses this data to solve
the equation dx=Ax+Bu
#define MDL_DERIVATIVES /* Function: mdlDerivatives ================================================= * Abstract: * xdot = Ax + Bu */ static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S) { real_T *dx = ssGetdX(S); real_T *x = ssGetContStates(S); InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); /* xdot=Ax+Bu */ dx[0]=A[0][0]*x[0]+A[0][1]*x[1]+B[0][0]*U(0)+B[0][1]*U(1); dx[1]=A[1][0]*x[0]+A[1][1]*x[1]+B[1][0]*U(0)+B[1][1]*U(1); }
The required mdlTerminate
function performs any actions,
such as freeing memory, necessary at the end of the simulation. In this example,
the function is empty.
/* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * No termination needed, but we are required to have this routine. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { UNUSED_ARG(S); /* unused input argument */ }
The required S-function trailer includes the files necessary for simulation or code generation, as follows.
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX file? */ #include "simulink.c" /* MEX file interface mechanism */ #else #include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */ #endif
The mdlOutputs
and mdlTerminate
functions use the UNUSED_ARG
macro to indicate that an
input argument the callback requires is not used. This optional macro is
defined in simstruc_types.h
. If used, you must call this
macro once for each input argument that a callback does not use.
Discrete States
The dsfunc.c
example shows how to model a discrete system in a
C MEX S-function. The following Simulink model uses this S-function.
Discrete systems can be modeled by the following set of equations.
The dsfunc.c
example implements a discrete state-space
equation. The mdlOutputs
method contains the output portion and
the mdlUpdate
method contains the update portion of the discrete
state-space equation. To visualize how the simulation works, see the flow chart in
Simulink Engine Interaction with C S-Functions. The
output equation above corresponds to the mdlOutputs
in the major
time step. The preceding update equation corresponds to the
in the major time step. If your model does not
contain continuous elements, the Simulink engine skips the integration phase and time is moved forward to the
next discrete sample hit.
The S-function dsfunc.c
begins with #define
statements for the S-function name and level, along with a
statement for the simstruc.h
header. After these statements, the S-function can include or define any other
necessary headers, data, etc. The dsfunc.c
example defines
as a pointer to the first input port's signal and
initializes static variables for the state-space matrices.
/* File : dsfunc.c * Abstract: * * Example C S-function for defining a discrete system. * * x(n+1) = Ax(n) + Bu(n) * y(n) = Cx(n) + Du(n) * * For more details about S-functions, see matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/blocks/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c. * * Copyright 1990-2013 The bat365, Inc. */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME dsfunc #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #include "simstruc.h" #define U(element) (*uPtrs[element]) /* Pointer to Input Port0 */ static real_T A[2][2]={ { -1.3839, -0.5097 } , { 1 , 0 } }; static real_T B[2][2]={ { -2.5559, 0 } , { 0 , 4.2382 } }; static real_T C[2][2]={ { 0 , 2.0761 } , { 0 , 7.7891 } }; static real_T D[2][2]={ { -0.8141, -2.9334 } , { 1.2426, 0 } };
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSizes
then sets
up the following S-function characteristics.
sets the number of expected S-function dialog parameters to zero.ssSetNumSFcnParams
determines how many parameters the user actually entered into the S-function dialog. If the number of user-specified parameters does not match the number returned byssGetSFcnParamsCount
, the S-function errors out.ssGetNumSFcnParams
If the S-function parameter count passes,
next sets the number of continuous and discrete states using
, respectively. This example has zero continuous states and two discrete states.ssSetNumDiscStates
Next, the method configures the S-function to have a single input and output port, each with a width of two to match the dimensions of the state-space matrices. The method passes a value of
to indicate the input port has direct feedthrough.ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough
initializes one sample time, which thessSetNumSampleTimes
function configures later.The S-function indicates that no work vectors are used by passing a value of
, etc. You can omit these lines because zero is the default value for all of these macros. However, for clarity, the S-function explicitly sets the number of work vectors.ssSetNumIWork
sets any applicable options. In this case, the only option isssSetOptions
, which stipulates that the code is exception free.
The mdlInitializeSizes
function for this example is shown
/*====================* * S-function methods * *====================*/ /* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * Determine the S-function block's characteristics: * number of inputs, outputs, states, etc. */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0); /* Number of expected parameters */ if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { return; /* Parameter mismatch reported by the Simulink engine*/ } ssSetNumContStates(S, 0); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 2); if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 2); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 2); ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1); ssSetNumRWork(S, 0); ssSetNumIWork(S, 0); ssSetNumPWork(S, 0); ssSetNumModes(S, 0); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0); /* Take care when specifying exception free code - see sfuntmpl_doc.c */ ssSetOptions(S, SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE); }
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSampleTimes
specifies the S-function sample rates. A call to
sets this first S-function sample period to 1.0. ssSetSampleTime
then specifies an offset time of zero for the first sample rate. The call to
tells the
solver to use the default rule to determine if referenced models containing this
S-function can inherit their sample times from the parent model.
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * Specify a sample time 0f 1.0. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, 1.0); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S); }
The optional S-function method mdlInitializeConditions
initializes the discrete state vector. The #define
before this method is required for the Simulink engine to call this function. In the example below,
obtains a pointer to the discrete
state vector. The ssGetRealDiscStates
loop then initializes each discrete
state to one.
#define MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS /* Function: mdlInitializeConditions ======================================== * Abstract: * Initialize both discrete states to one. */ static void mdlInitializeConditions(SimStruct *S) { real_T *x0 = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); int_T lp; for (lp=0;lp<2;lp++) { *x0++=1.0; } }
The required mdlOutputs
function computes the output signal
of this S-function. The beginning of the function obtains pointers to the first
output port, discrete states, and first input port. The S-function uses the data
in these arrays to solve the output equation y=Cx+Du
/* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * y = Cx + Du */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0); real_T *x = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); UNUSED_ARG(tid); /* not used in single tasking mode */ /* y=Cx+Du */ y[0]=C[0][0]*x[0]+C[0][1]*x[1]+D[0][0]*U(0)+D[0][1]*U(1); y[1]=C[1][0]*x[0]+C[1][1]*x[1]+D[1][0]*U(0)+D[1][1]*U(1); }
The Simulink engine calls the mdlUpdate
function once every
major integration time step to update the discrete states' values. Because this
function is an optional method, a #define
statement must
precede the function. The beginning of the function obtains pointers to the
S-function discrete states and first input port. The S-function uses the data in
these arrays to solve the equation dx=Ax+Bu
, which is stored
in the temporary variable tempX
before being assigned into
the discrete state vector x
#define MDL_UPDATE /* Function: mdlUpdate ====================================================== * Abstract: * xdot = Ax + Bu */ static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { real_T tempX[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; real_T *x = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); UNUSED_ARG(tid); /* not used in single tasking mode */ /* xdot=Ax+Bu */ tempX[0]=A[0][0]*x[0]+A[0][1]*x[1]+B[0][0]*U(0)+B[0][1]*U(1); tempX[1]=A[1][0]*x[0]+A[1][1]*x[1]+B[1][0]*U(0)+B[1][1]*U(1); x[0]=tempX[0]; x[1]=tempX[1]; }
The required mdlTerminate
function performs any actions,
such as freeing memory, necessary at the end of the simulation. In this example,
the function is empty.
/* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * No termination needed, but we are required to have this routine. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { UNUSED_ARG(S); /* unused input argument */ }
The required S-function trailer includes the files necessary for simulation or code generation, as follows.
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX file? */ #include "simulink.c" /* MEX file interface mechanism */ #else #include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */ #endif
The mdlOutputs
and mdlTerminate
functions use the UNUSED_ARG
macro to indicate that an
input argument the callback requires is not used. This optional macro is
defined in simstruc_types.h
. If used, you must call this
macro once for each input argument that a callback does not use.
Continuous and Discrete States
The mixedm.c
example shows a hybrid (a combination of
continuous and discrete states) system. The mixedm.c
combines elements of csfunc.c
and dsfunc.c
The following Simulink model uses this S-function.
If you have a hybrid system, the mdlDerivatives
calculates the derivatives of the continuous states of the state vector,
, and the mdlUpdate
method contains the
equations used to update the discrete state vector, xD
. The
method computes the S-function outputs after
checking for sample hits to determine at what point the S-function is being
In Simulink block diagram form, the S-function mixedm.c
which implements a continuous integrator followed by a discrete unit delay.
The S-function mixedm.c
begins with #define
statements for the S-function name and level, along with a
statement for the simstruc.h
header. After these statements, the S-function can include or define any other
necessary headers, data, etc. The mixedm.c
example defines
as a pointer to the first input port's signal.
/* File : mixedm.c * Abstract: * * An example S-function illustrating multiple sample times by implementing * integrator -> ZOH(Ts=1second) -> UnitDelay(Ts=1second) * with an initial condition of 1. * (e.g. an integrator followed by unit delay operation). * * For more details about S-functions, see matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/blocks/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c * * Copyright 1990-2007 The bat365, Inc. */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME mixedm #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #include "simstruc.h" #define U(element) (*uPtrs[element]) /* Pointer to Input Port0 */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSizes
then sets
up the following S-function characteristics.
sets the number of expected S-function dialog parameters to zero.ssSetNumSFcnParams
determines how many parameters the user actually entered into the S-function dialog. If the number of user-specified parameters does not match the number returned byssGetSFcnParamsCount
, the S-function errors out.ssGetNumSFcnParams
If the S-function parameter count passes,
next sets the number of continuous and discrete states using
, respectively. This example has one continuous state and one discrete state.ssSetNumDiscStates
The S-function initializes one floating-point work vector by passing a value of
. No other work vectors are initialized.ssSetNumRWork
Next, the method uses
to configure the S-function to have a single input and output port, each with a width of one. The method passes a value ofssSetNumOutputPorts
to indicate the input port has direct feedthrough.ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough
This S-function assigns sample times using a hybrid block-based and port-based method. The macro
function configures later. The macros
initialize the input port to have a continuous sample time with an offset of zero. Similarly,ssSetInputPortOffsetTime
initialize the output port sample time tossSetOutputPortOffsetTime
with an offset of zero.Lastly,
sets two S-function options.ssSetOptions
stipulates that the code is exception free andSS_OPTION_PORT_SAMPLE_TIMES_ASSIGNED
indicates a combination of block-based and port-based sample times.
The mdlInitializeSizes
function for this example is shown
*====================* * S-function methods * *====================*/ /* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * Determine the S-function block's characteristics: * number of inputs, outputs, states, etc. */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0); /* Number of expected parameters */ if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { return; /* Parameter mismatch reported by the Simulink engine*/ } ssSetNumContStates(S, 1); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 1); ssSetNumRWork(S, 1); /* for zoh output feeding the delay operator */ if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); ssSetInputPortSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetInputPortOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 1); ssSetOutputPortSampleTime(S, 0, 1.0); ssSetOutputPortOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 2); /* Take care when specifying exception free code - see sfuntmpl_doc.c. */ ssSetOptions(S, (SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE | SS_OPTION_PORT_SAMPLE_TIMES_ASSIGNED)); } /* end mdlInitializeSizes */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSampleTimes
specifies the S-function block-based sample rates. The first call to
specifies that the first sample rate is continuous, with the subsequent call to
setting the offset to zero. The second call to this pair of macros sets the
second sample time to ssSetOffsetTime
with an offset of zero. The
S-function port-based sample times set in mdlInitializeSizes
must all be registered as a block-based sample time. The call to
tells the
solver to use the default rule to determine if referenced models containing this
S-function can inherit their sample times from the parent model.
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * Two tasks: One continuous, one with discrete sample time of 1.0. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); ssSetSampleTime(S, 1, 1.0); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 1, 0.0); ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S); } /* end mdlInitializeSampleTimes */
The optional S-function method mdlInitializeConditions
initializes the continuous and discrete state vectors. The
statement before this method is required for the
Simulink engine to call this function. In this example,
obtains a pointer to the continuous state vector and ssGetContStates
obtains a pointer to the discrete
state vector. The method then sets all states' initial conditions to one.ssGetRealDiscStates
#define MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS /* Function: mdlInitializeConditions ========================================== * Abstract: * Initialize both continuous states to one. */ static void mdlInitializeConditions(SimStruct *S) { real_T *xC0 = ssGetContStates(S); real_T *xD0 = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); xC0[0] = 1.0; xD0[0] = 1.0; } /* end mdlInitializeConditions */
The required mdlOutputs
function performs computations
based on the current task. The macro
checks if the continuous task is
executing. If this macro returns ssIsContinuousTask
then checks if the discrete
sample rate is also executing. If this macro also returns
, the method sets the value of the floating-point
work vector to the current value of the continuous state, via pointers obtained
, respectively. The
method later uses the floating-point work
vector as the input to the zero-order hold. Updating the work vector in
ensures that the correct values are available
during subsequent calls to mdlUpdate
. Finally, if the
S-function is running at its discrete rate, i.e., the call to
returns ssIsSampleHit
, the method sets the output to the value of the
discrete state.
/* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * y = xD, and update the zoh internal output. */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { /* update the internal "zoh" output */ if (ssIsContinuousTask(S, tid)) { if (ssIsSpecialSampleHit(S, 1, 0, tid)) { real_T *zoh = ssGetRWork(S); real_T *xC = ssGetContStates(S); *zoh = *xC; } } /* y=xD */ if (ssIsSampleHit(S, 1, tid)) { real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0); real_T *xD = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); y[0]=xD[0]; } } /* end mdlOutputs */
The Simulink engine calls the mdlUpdate
function once every
major integration time step to update the discrete states' values. Because this
function is an optional method, a #define
statement must
precede the function. The call to ssIsSampleHit
ensures the
body of the method is executed only when the S-function is operating at its
discrete rate. If ssIsSampleHit
, the method obtains pointers to the S-function
discrete state and floating-point work vector and updates the discrete state's
value using the value stored in the work vector.
#define MDL_UPDATE /* Function: mdlUpdate ====================================================== * Abstract: * xD = xC */ static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { UNUSED_ARG(tid); /* not used in single tasking mode */ /* xD=xC */ if (ssIsSampleHit(S, 1, tid)) { real_T *xD = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); real_T *zoh = ssGetRWork(S); xD[0]=*zoh; } } /* end mdlUpdate */
The mdlDerivatives
function calculates the continuous state
derivatives. Because this function is an optional method, a
statement must precede the function. The function
obtains pointers to the S-function continuous state derivative and first input
port then sets the continuous state derivative equal to the value of the first
#define MDL_DERIVATIVES /* Function: mdlDerivatives ================================================= * Abstract: * xdot = U */ static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S) { real_T *dx = ssGetdX(S); InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); /* xdot=U */ dx[0]=U(0); } /* end mdlDerivatives */
The required mdlTerminate
function performs any actions,
such as freeing memory, necessary at the end of the simulation. In this example,
the function is empty.
/* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * No termination needed, but we are required to have this routine. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { UNUSED_ARG(S); /* unused input argument */ }
The S-function trailer includes the files necessary for simulation or code generation, as follows.
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX file? */ #include "simulink.c" /* MEX file interface mechanism */ #else #include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */ #endif
The mdlUpdate
and mdlTerminate
functions use the UNUSED_ARG
macro to indicate that an
input argument the callback requires is not used. This optional macro is
defined in simstruc_types.h
. If used, you must call this
macro once for each input argument that a callback does not use.
Variable Sample Time
The example S-function vsfunc.c
uses a variable-step sample time. The following Simulink model uses this S-function.
Variable step-size functions require a call to
, which is an S-function routine that
calculates the time of the next sample hit. S-functions that use the variable-step
sample time can be used only with variable-step solvers. The
example is a discrete S-function that delays its
first input by an amount of time determined by the second input.
The vsfunc.c
example outputs the input u
delayed by a variable amount of time. mdlOutputs
sets the output
equal to state x
sets the state vector x
equal to
, the input vector. This example calls
to calculate and set the time of the
next sample hit, that is, the time when vsfunc.c
is next called.
In mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit
, the macro
gets a pointer to the input
. Then this call is made:
ssSetTNext(S, ssGetT(S) + U(1));
The macro
gets the
simulation time ssGetT
. The second input to the block,
, is added to t
, and the macro
sets the
time of the next hit equal to ssSetTNext
, delaying the output by the
amount of time set in (U(1)
The S-function vsfunc.c
begins with #define
statements for the S-function name and level, along with a
statement for the simstruc.h
header. After these statements, the S-function can include or define any other
necessary headers, data, etc. The vsfunc.c
example defines
as a pointer to the first input port's signal.
/* File : vsfunc.c * Abstract: * * Variable step S-function example. * This example S-function illustrates how to create a variable step * block. This block implements a variable step delay * in which the first input is delayed by an amount of time determined * by the second input: * * dt = u(2) * y(t+dt) = u(t) * * For more details about S-functions, see matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/blocks/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c. * * Copyright 1990-2007 The bat365, Inc. */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME vsfunc #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #include "simstruc.h" #define U(element) (*uPtrs[element]) /* Pointer to Input Port0 */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSizes
then sets
up the following S-function characteristics.
sets the number of expected S-function dialog parameters to zero.ssSetNumSFcnParams
determines how many parameters the user actually entered into the S-function dialog. If the number of user-specified parameters does not match the number returned byssGetSFcnParamsCount
, the S-function errors out.ssGetNumSFcnParams
If the S-function parameter count passes,
next sets the number of continuous and discrete states using
, respectively. This example has no continuous states and one discrete state.ssSetNumDiscStates
Next, the method uses
to configure the S-function to have a single input and output port. Calls tossSetNumOutputPorts
assign widths to these input and output ports. The method passes a value of1
to indicate the input port has direct feedthrough.ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough
then initializes one sample time, which thessSetNumSampleTimes
function configures later.The S-function indicates that no work vectors are used by passing a value of
, etc. You can omit these lines because zero is the default value for all of these macros. However, for clarity, the S-function explicitly sets the number of work vectors.ssSetNumIWork
checks if the S-function is being run in a simulation or by the Simulink Coder™ product. IfssGetSimMode
, indicating use with the Simulink Coder product and a fixed-step solver, then the S-function errors out.Lastly,
sets any applicable options. In this case, the only option isssSetOptions
, which stipulates that the code is exception free.
The mdlInitializeSizes
function for this example is shown
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * Determine the S-function block's characteristics: * number of inputs, outputs, states, etc. */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0); /* Number of expected parameters */ if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { return; /* Parameter mismatch reported by the Simulink engine*/ } ssSetNumContStates(S, 0); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 1); if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 2); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 1); ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1); ssSetNumRWork(S, 0); ssSetNumIWork(S, 0); ssSetNumPWork(S, 0); ssSetNumModes(S, 0); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0); if (ssGetSimMode(S) == SS_SIMMODE_RTWGEN && !ssIsVariableStepSolver(S)) { ssSetErrorStatus(S, "S-function vsfunc.c cannot be used with RTW " "and Fixed-Step Solvers because it contains variable" " sample time"); } /* Take care when specifying exception free code - see sfuntmpl_doc.c */ ssSetOptions(S, SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE); }
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSampleTimes
specifies the S-function sample rates. The input argument
passed to
specifies that this S-function has a variable-step sample time and
specifies an offset time of zero. The call to
tells the
solver to use the default rule to determine if referenced models containing this
S-function can inherit their sample times from the parent model. Because the
S-function has a variable-step sample time, vsfunc.c
calculate the time of the next sample hit in the
method, shown later.
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * Variable-Step S-function */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, VARIABLE_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S); }
The optional S-function method mdlInitializeConditions
initializes the discrete state vector. The #define
before this method is required for the Simulink engine to call this function. In the example, the method uses
to obtain a pointer to the
discrete state vector and sets the state's initial value to zero.ssGetRealDiscStates
#define MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS /* Function: mdlInitializeConditions ======================================== * Abstract: * Initialize discrete state to zero. */ static void mdlInitializeConditions(SimStruct *S) { real_T *x0 = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); x0[0] = 0.0; }
The optional mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit
method calculates the
time of the next sample hit. Because this method is optional, a
statement precedes it. First, this method obtains
a pointer to the first input port's signal using
. If the input
signal's second element is positive, the macro ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs
gets the
simulation time ssGetT
. The macro
the time of the next hit equal to ssSetTNext
, delaying the
output by the amount of time specified by the input's second element
#define MDL_GET_TIME_OF_NEXT_VAR_HIT static void mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(SimStruct *S) { InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); /* Make sure input will increase time */ if (U(1) <= 0.0) { /* If not, abort simulation */ ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Variable step control input must be " "greater than zero"); return; } ssSetTNext(S, ssGetT(S)+U(1)); }
The required mdlOutputs
function computes the S-function
output signal. The function obtains pointers to the first output port and
discrete state and then assigns the state's current value to the output.
/* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * y = x */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0); real_T *x = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); /* Return the current state as the output */ y[0] = x[0]; }
The mdlUpdate
function updates the discrete state's value.
Because this method is optional, a #define
statement precedes
it. The function first obtains pointers to the S-function discrete state and
first input port then assigns the value of the first element of the first input
port signal to the state.
#define MDL_UPDATE /* Function: mdlUpdate ======================================================== * Abstract: * This function is called once for every major integration time step. * Discrete states are typically updated here, but this function is useful * for performing any tasks that should only take place once per integration * step. */ static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { real_T *x = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); x[0]=U(0); }
The required mdlTerminate
function performs any actions,
such as freeing memory, necessary at the end of the simulation. In this example,
the function is empty.
/* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * No termination needed, but we are required to have this routine. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { }
The required S-function trailer includes the files necessary for simulation or code generation, as follows.
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX file? */ #include "simulink.c" /* MEX file interface mechanism */ #else #include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */ #endif
Array Inputs and Outputs
The example S-function sfun_matadd.c
demonstrates how to implement a matrix addition
block. The following Simulink model uses this S-function.
The S-function adds signals of various dimensions to a parameter value entered in the S-function. The S-function accepts and outputs 2-D or n-D signals.
The S-function sfun_matadd.c
begins with #define
statements for the S-function name and level, along with a
statement for the simstruc.h
header. After these statements, the S-function includes or defines any other
necessary headers, data, etc. This example defines additional variables for the
number of S-function parameters, the S-function parameter value, and the flag
that indicates if the parameter value can be
edited during simulation.
/* SFUN_MATADD matrix support example. * C MEX S-function for matrix addition with one input port, * one output port, and one parameter. * * Input Signal: 2-D or n-D array * Parameter: 2-D or n-D array * Output Signal: 2-D or n-D array * * Input parameter output * -------------------------------- * scalar scalar scalar * scalar matrix matrix (input scalar expansion) * matrix scalar matrix (parameter scalar expansion) * matrix matrix matrix * * Copyright 1990-2007 The bat365, Inc. */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME sfun_matadd #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #include "simstruc.h" enum {PARAM = 0, NUM_PARAMS}; #define PARAM_ARG ssGetSFcnParam(S, PARAM) #define EDIT_OK(S, ARG) \ (!((ssGetSimMode(S) == SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY) \ && mxIsEmpty(ARG)))
The S-function next implements the mdlCheckParameters
method to validate the S-function dialog parameters. The
statement checks that the S-function is compiled
as a MEX file, instead of for use with the Simulink
Coder product. Because mdlCheckParameters
optional, the S-function code contains a #define
statement to
register the method. The body of the function checks that the S-function
parameter value is not empty. If the parameter check fails, the S-function
errors out with a call to ssSetErrorStatus
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE #define MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS /* Function: mdlCheckParameters ================================ * Abstract: * Verify parameter settings. */ static void mdlCheckParameters(SimStruct *S) { if(EDIT_OK(S, PARAM_ARG)){ /* Check that parameter value is not empty*/ if( mxIsEmpty(PARAM_ARG) ) { ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Invalid parameter specified. The" "parameter must be non-empty"); return; } } } /* end mdlCheckParameters */ #endif
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSizes
then sets
up the following S-function characteristics.
sets the number of expected S-function dialog parameters to one, as defined by the variablessSetNumSFcnParams
.If this S-function is compiled as a MEX file,
determines how many parameters the user actually entered into the S-function dialog. If the number of user-specified parameters matches the number returned byssGetSFcnParamsCount
, the method callsssGetNumSFcnParams
to validate the user-entered data. Otherwise, the S-function errors out.If the parameter check passes, the S-function specifies that all S-function parameters are tunable using
The S-function then invokes
to allow the S-function to accept n-D signals.ssAllowSignalsWithMoreThan2D
specify that the S-function has a single output port and a single input port.The S-function uses
to specify that the input port is dynamically sized. In this case, the S-function needs to implement anmdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo
method to set the actual input dimension.The output dimensions depend on the dimensions of the S-function parameter. If the parameter is a scalar, the call to
specifies that the output port dimensions are dynamically sized. If the parameter is a matrix, the output port dimensions are initialized to the dimensions of the S-function parameter. In this case, the macroDECL_AND_INIT_DIMSINFO
initializes adimsInfo
structure. The S-function assigns the width, size, and dimensions of the S-function parameter into thedimsInfo
structure and then passes this structure tossSetOutputPortDimensionInfo
in order to set the output port dimensions accordingly.The S-function specifies that the input port has direct feedthrough by passing a value of
initializes one sample time, to be configured later in thessSetNumSampleTimes
sets any applicable options. In this case,ssSetOptions
stipulates that the code is exception free andSS_OPTION_WORKS_WITH_CODE_REUSE
signifies that this S-function is compatible with the subsystem code reuse feature of the Simulink Coder product.
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes ================================ * Abstract: * Initialize the sizes array */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, NUM_PARAMS); #if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { return; } mdlCheckParameters(S); if (ssGetErrorStatus(S) != NULL) return; #endif { int iParam = 0; int nParam = ssGetNumSFcnParams(S); for ( iParam = 0; iParam < nParam; iParam++ ) { ssSetSFcnParamTunable( S, iParam, SS_PRM_TUNABLE ); } } /* Allow signal dimensions greater than 2 */ ssAllowSignalsWithMoreThan2D(S); /* Set number of input and output ports */ if (!ssSetNumInputPorts( S,1)) return; if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S,1)) return; /* Set dimensions of input and output ports */ { int_T pWidth = mxGetNumberOfElements(PARAM_ARG); /* Input can be a scalar or a matrix signal. */ if(!ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo(S,0,DYNAMIC_DIMENSION)) { return; } if( pWidth == 1) { /* Scalar parameter: output dimensions are unknown. */ if(!ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(S,0,DYNAMIC_DIMENSION)){ return; } } else{ /* * Non-scalar parameter: output dimensions are the same * as the parameter dimensions. To support n-D signals, * must use a dimsInfo structure to specify dimensions. */ DECL_AND_INIT_DIMSINFO(di); /*Initializes structure*/ int_T pSize = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(PARAM_ARG); const int_T *pDims = mxGetDimensions(PARAM_ARG); di.width = pWidth; di.numDims = pSize; di.dims = pDims; if(!ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(S, 0, &di)) return; } } ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1); ssSetOptions(S, SS_OPTION_WORKS_WITH_CODE_REUSE | SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE); } /* end mdlInitializeSizes */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSampleTimes
specifies the S-function sample rates. To specify that this S-function inherits
its sample time from its driving block, the S-function calls
with the input argument ssSetSampleTime
. The call to
tells the solver to use the default rule to determine if referenced models
containing this S-function can inherit their sample times from the parent
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================== * Abstract: * Initialize the sample times array. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, INHERITED_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S); } /* end mdlInitializeSampleTimes */
The S-function calls the mdlSetWorkWidths
method to
register its run-time parameters. Because mdlSetWorkWidths
an optional method, a #define
statement precedes it. The
method first initializes a name for the run-time parameter and then uses
to register the run-time
/* Function: mdlSetWorkWidths ================================== * Abstract: * Set up run-time parameter. */ #define MDL_SET_WORK_WIDTHS static void mdlSetWorkWidths(SimStruct *S) { const char_T *rtParamNames[] = {"Operand"}; ssRegAllTunableParamsAsRunTimeParams(S, rtParamNames); } /* end mdlSetWorkWidths */
The S-function mdlOutputs
method uses a
loop to calculate the output as the sum of the input
and S-function parameter. The S-function handles n-D arrays of data using a
single index into the array.
/* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================== * Abstract: * Compute the outputs of the S-function. */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { InputRealPtrsType uPtr = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0); const real_T *p = mxGetPr(PARAM_ARG); int_T uWidth = ssGetInputPortWidth(S,0); int_T pWidth = mxGetNumberOfElements(PARAM_ARG); int_T yWidth = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S,0); int i; UNUSED_ARG(tid); /* not used in single tasking mode */ /* * Note1: Matrix signals are stored in column major order. * Note2: Access each matrix element by one index not two * indices. For example, if the output signal is a * [2x2] matrix signal, * - - * | y[0] y[2] | * | y[1] y[3] | * - - * Output elements are stored as follows: * y[0] --> row = 0, col = 0 * y[1] --> row = 1, col = 0 * y[2] --> row = 0, col = 1 * y[3] --> row = 1, col = 1 */ for (i = 0; i < yWidth; i++) { int_T uIdx = (uWidth == 1) ? 0 : i; int_T pIdx = (pWidth == 1) ? 0 : i; y[i] = *uPtr[uIdx] + p[pIdx]; } } /* end mdlOutputs */
During signal propagation, the S-function calls the optional
method with the candidate
input port dimensions stored in dimsInfo
. The #if
statement checks that the S-function is compiled as a MEX
file. Because mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo
is an optional
method, a #define
statement precedes it. In
, the S-function uses
to set the dimensions
of the input port to the candidate dimensions. If the call to this macro
succeeds, the S-function further checks the candidate dimensions to ensure that
the input signal is either a 2-D scalar or a matrix. If this condition is met
and the output port dimensions are still dynamically sized, the S-function calls
to set the dimension
of the output port to the same candidate dimensions. The
macro cannot modify the
output port dimensions if they are already specified.
#if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) #define MDL_SET_INPUT_PORT_DIMENSION_INFO /* Function: mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo ====================== * Abstract: * This routine is called with the candidate dimensions for * an input port with unknown dimensions. If the proposed * dimensions are acceptable, the routine should go ahead and * set the actual port dimensions. If they are unacceptable * an error should be generated via ssSetErrorStatus. * Note that any other input or output ports whose dimensions * are implicitly defined by virtue of knowing the dimensions * of the given port can also have their dimensions set. */ static void mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo(SimStruct *S, int_T port, const DimsInfo_T *dimsInfo) { int_T pWidth = mxGetNumberOfElements(PARAM_ARG); int_T pSize = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(PARAM_ARG); const int_T *pDims = mxGetDimensions(PARAM_ARG); int_T uNumDims = dimsInfo->numDims; int_T uWidth = dimsInfo->width; int_T *uDims = dimsInfo->dims; int_T numDims; boolean_T isOk = true; int iParam = 0; int_T outWidth = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S, 0); /* Set input port dimension */ if(!ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo(S, port, dimsInfo)) return; /* * The block only accepts 2-D or higher signals. Check * number of dimensions. If the parameter and the input * signal are non-scalar, their dimensions must be the same. */ isOk = (uNumDims >= 2) && (pWidth == 1 || uWidth == 1 || pWidth == uWidth); numDims = (pSize != uNumDims) ? numDims : uNumDims; if(isOk && pWidth > 1 && uWidth > 1){ for ( iParam = 0; iParam < numDims; iParam++ ) { isOk = (pDims[iParam] == uDims[iParam]); if(!isOk) break; } } if(!isOk){ ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Invalid input port dimensions. The " "input signal must be a 2-D scalar signal, or it must " "be a matrix with the same dimensions as the parameter " "dimensions."); return; } /* Set the output port dimensions */ if (outWidth == DYNAMICALLY_SIZED){ if(!ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(S,port,dimsInfo)) return; } } /* end mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo */
During signal propagation, if any output ports have unknown dimensions, the
S-function calls the optional mdlSetOutputPortDimensionInfo
method. Because this method is optional, a #define
precedes it. In mdlSetOutputPortDimensionInfo
, the S-function
to set the dimensions
of the output port to the candidate dimensions ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo
. If
the call to this macro succeeds, the S-function further checks the candidate
dimensions to ensure that the input signal is either a 2-D or n-D matrix. If
this condition is not met, the S-function errors out with a call to
. Otherwise, the S-function calls
to set the dimension
of the input port to the same candidate dimensions.ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo
# define MDL_SET_OUTPUT_PORT_DIMENSION_INFO /* Function: mdlSetOutputPortDimensionInfo ===================== * Abstract: * This routine is called with the candidate dimensions for * an output port with unknown dimensions. If the proposed * dimensions are acceptable, the routine should go ahead and * set the actual port dimensions. If they are unacceptable * an error should be generated via ssSetErrorStatus. * Note that any other input or output ports whose dimensions * are implicitly defined by virtue of knowing the dimensions * of the given port can also have their dimensions set. */ static void mdlSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(SimStruct *S, int_T port, const DimsInfo_T *dimsInfo) { /* * If the block has scalar parameter, the output dimensions * are unknown. Set the input and output port to have the * same dimensions. */ if(!ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(S, port, dimsInfo)) return; /* The block only accepts 2-D or n-D signals. * Check number of dimensions. */ if (!(dimsInfo->numDims >= 2)){ ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Invalid output port dimensions. " "The output signal must be a 2-D or n-D array (matrix) " "signal."); return; }else{ /* Set the input port dimensions */ if(!ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo(S,port,dimsInfo)) return; } } /* end mdlSetOutputPortDimensionInfo */
Because the S-function has ports that are dynamically sized, it must provide
an mdlSetDefaultPortDimensionInfo
method. The Simulink engine invokes this method during signal propagation when it
cannot determine the dimensionality of the signal connected to the block's input
port. This situation can happen, for example, if the input port is unconnected.
In this example, the mdlSetDefaultPortDimensionInfo
sets the input and output ports dimensions to a scalar.
# define MDL_SET_DEFAULT_PORT_DIMENSION_INFO /* Function: mdlSetDefaultPortDimensionInfo ==================== * This routine is called when the Simulink engine is not able * to find dimension candidates for ports with unknown dimensions. * This function must set the dimensions of all ports with * unknown dimensions. */ static void mdlSetDefaultPortDimensionInfo(SimStruct *S) { int_T outWidth = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S, 0); /* Input port dimension must be unknown. Set it to scalar.*/ if(!ssSetInputPortMatrixDimensions(S, 0, 1, 1)) return; if(outWidth == DYNAMICALLY_SIZED){ /* Output dimensions are unknown. Set it to scalar. */ if(!ssSetOutputPortMatrixDimensions(S, 0, 1, 1)) return; } } /* end mdlSetDefaultPortDimensionInfo */ #endif
The required mdlTerminate
function performs any actions,
such as freeing memory, necessary at the end of the simulation. In this example,
the function is empty.
/* Function: mdlTerminate ====================================== * Abstract: * Called when the simulation is terminated. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { UNUSED_ARG(S); /* unused input argument */ } /* end mdlTerminate */
The required S-function trailer includes the files necessary for simulation or code generation.
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE #include "simulink.c" #else #include "cg_sfun.h" #endif /* [EOF] sfun_matadd.c */
The mdlOutputs
and mdlTerminate
functions use the UNUSED_ARG
macro to indicate that an
input argument the callback requires is not used. This optional macro is
defined in simstruc_types.h
. You must call this macro once
for each input argument that a callback does not use.
Zero-Crossing Detection
The example S-function sfun_zc_sat.c
demonstrates how to implement a Saturation
block. The following Simulink model uses this S-function.
The S-function works with either fixed-step or variable-step solvers. When this S-function inherits a continuous sample time and uses a variable-step solver, it uses a zero-crossings algorithm to locate the exact points at which the saturation occurs.
The S-function sfun_zc_sat.c
begins with #define
statements for the S-function name and level, along with a
statement for the simstruc.h
header. After these statements, the S-function includes or defines any other
necessary headers, data, etc. This example defines various parameters associated
with the upper and lower saturation bounds.
/* File : sfun_zc_sat.c * Abstract: * * Example of an S-function which has nonsampled zero crossings to * implement a saturation function. This S-function is designed to be * used with a variable or fixed step solver. * * A saturation is described by three equations * * (1) y = UpperLimit * (2) y = u * (3) y = LowerLimit * * and a set of inequalities that specify which equation to use * * if UpperLimit < u then use (1) * if LowerLimit <= u <= UpperLimit then use (2) * if u < LowerLimit then use (3) * * A key fact is that the valid equation 1, 2, or 3, can change at * any instant. Nonsampled zero crossing support helps the variable step * solvers locate the exact instants when behavior switches from one equation * to another. * * Copyright 1990-2007 The bat365, Inc. */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME sfun_zc_sat #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #include "simstruc.h" /*========================* * General Defines/macros * *========================*/ /* index to Upper Limit */ #define I_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT 0 /* index to Lower Limit */ #define I_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT 1 /* total number of block parameters */ #define N_PAR 2 /* * Make access to mxArray pointers for parameters more readable. */ #define P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ( ssGetSFcnParam(S,I_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT) ) #define P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ( ssGetSFcnParam(S,I_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT) )
This S-function next implements the mdlCheckParameters
method to check the validity of the S-function dialog parameters. Because this
method is optional, a #define
statement precedes it. The
#if defined
statement checks that this function is
compiled as a MEX file, instead of for use with the Simulink
Coder product. The body of the function performs basic checks to ensure
that the user entered real vectors of equal length for the upper and lower
saturation limits. If the parameter checks fail, the S-function errors
#define MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS #if defined(MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS) && defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) /* Function: mdlCheckParameters ============================================= * Abstract: * Check that parameter choices are allowable. */ static void mdlCheckParameters(SimStruct *S) { int_T i; int_T numUpperLimit; int_T numLowerLimit; const char *msg = NULL; /* * check parameter basics */ for ( i = 0; i < N_PAR; i++ ) { if ( mxIsEmpty( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i) ) || mxIsSparse( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i) ) || mxIsComplex( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i) ) || !mxIsNumeric( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i) ) ) { msg = "Parameters must be real vectors."; goto EXIT_POINT; } } /* * Check sizes of parameters. */ numUpperLimit = mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ); numLowerLimit = mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ); if ( ( numUpperLimit != 1 ) && ( numLowerLimit != 1 ) && ( numUpperLimit != numLowerLimit ) ) { msg = "Number of input and output values must be equal."; goto EXIT_POINT; } /* * Error exit point */ EXIT_POINT: if (msg != NULL) { ssSetErrorStatus(S, msg); } } #endif /* MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSizes
sets up
the following S-function characteristics.
sets the number of expected S-function dialog parameters to two, as defined previously in the variablessSetNumSFcnParams
.If this method is compiled as a MEX file,
determines how many parameters the user actually entered into the S-function dialog. If the number of user-specified parameters matches the number returned byssGetSFcnParamsCount
, the method callsssGetNumSFcnParams
to check the validity of the user-entered data. Otherwise, the S-function errors out.If the parameter check passes, the S-function determines the maximum number of elements entered into either the upper or lower saturation limit parameter. This number is needed later to determine the appropriate output width.
Next, the number of continuous and discrete states is set using
, respectively. This example has no continuous or discrete states.ssSetNumDiscStates
The method specifies that the S-function has a single output port using
and sets the width of this output port usingssSetNumOutputPorts
. The output port width is either the maximum number of elements in the upper or lower saturation limit or is dynamically sized. Similar code specifies a single input port and indicates the input port has direct feedthrough by passing a value ofssSetOutputPortWidth
initializes one sample time, which thessSetNumSampleTimes
function configures later.The S-function indicates that no work vectors are used by passing a value of
, etc. You can omit these lines because zero is the default value for all of these macros. However, for clarity, the S-function explicitly sets the number of work vectors.ssSetNumIWork
The method initializes the zero-crossing detection work vectors using
. ThessSetNumNonsampledZCs
method specifies the length of these dynamically sized vectors later.Lastly,
sets any applicable options. In this case,ssSetOptions
stipulates that the code is exception free andSS_OPTION_ALLOW_INPUT_SCALAR_EXPANSION
permits scalar expansion of the input without having to provide anmdlSetInputPortWidth
The mdlInitializeSizes
function for this example is shown
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * Initialize the sizes array. */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { int_T numUpperLimit, numLowerLimit, maxNumLimit; /* * Set and Check parameter count */ ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, N_PAR); #if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) == ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { mdlCheckParameters(S); if (ssGetErrorStatus(S) != NULL) { return; } } else { return; /* Parameter mismatch reported by the Simulink engine*/ } #endif /* * Get parameter size info. */ numUpperLimit = mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ); numLowerLimit = mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ); if (numUpperLimit > numLowerLimit) { maxNumLimit = numUpperLimit; } else { maxNumLimit = numLowerLimit; } /* * states */ ssSetNumContStates(S, 0); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0); /* * outputs * The upper and lower limits are scalar expanded * so their size determines the size of the output * only if at least one of them is not scalar. */ if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 1)) return; if ( maxNumLimit > 1 ) { ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, maxNumLimit); } else { ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, DYNAMICALLY_SIZED); } /* * inputs * If the upper or lower limits are not scalar then * the input is set to the same size. However, the * ssSetOptions below allows the actual width to * be reduced to 1 if needed for scalar expansion. */ if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1 ); if ( maxNumLimit > 1 ) { ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, maxNumLimit); } else { ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, DYNAMICALLY_SIZED); } /* * sample times */ ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1); /* * work */ ssSetNumRWork(S, 0); ssSetNumIWork(S, 0); ssSetNumPWork(S, 0); /* * Modes and zero crossings: * If we have a variable-step solver and this block has a continuous * sample time, then * o One mode element will be needed for each scalar output * in order to specify which equation is valid (1), (2), or (3). * o Two ZC elements will be needed for each scalar output * in order to help the solver find the exact instants * at which either of the two possible "equation switches" * One will be for the switch from eq. (1) to (2); * the other will be for eq. (2) to (3) and vice versa. * otherwise * o No modes and nonsampled zero crossings will be used. * */ ssSetNumModes(S, DYNAMICALLY_SIZED); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, DYNAMICALLY_SIZED); /* * options * o No mexFunctions and no problematic mxFunctions are called * so the exception free code option safely gives faster simulations. * o Scalar expansion of the inputs is desired. The option provides * this without the need to write mdlSetOutputPortWidth and * mdlSetInputPortWidth functions. */ ssSetOptions(S, ( SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE | SS_OPTION_ALLOW_INPUT_SCALAR_EXPANSION)); } /* end mdlInitializeSizes */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSampleTimes
specifies the S-function sample rates. The input argument
passed to
specifies that this S-function inherits its sample time from its driving block.
The call to ssSetSampleTime
tells the solver to use the default rule to determine if referenced models
containing this S-function can inherit their sample times from the parent
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * Specify that the block is continuous. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, INHERITED_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0); ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S); }
The optional method mdlSetWorkWidths
initializes the size
of the zero-crossing detection work vectors. Because this method is optional, a
statement precedes it. The #if
statement checks that the S-function is being compiled as
a MEX file. Zero-crossing detection can be done only when the S-function is
running at a continuous sample rate using a variable-step solver. The
statement uses
, ssIsVariableStepSolver
, and ssGetSampleTime
to determine if this condition is met.
If so, the method sets the number of modes equal to the width of the first
output port and the number of nonsampled zero crossings to twice this amount.
Otherwise, the method sets both values to zero.ssGetOffsetTime
#define MDL_SET_WORK_WIDTHS #if defined(MDL_SET_WORK_WIDTHS) && defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) /* Function: mdlSetWorkWidths =============================================== * The width of the Modes and the ZCs depends on the width of the output. * This width is not always known in mdlInitializeSizes so it is handled * here. */ static void mdlSetWorkWidths(SimStruct *S) { int nModes; int nNonsampledZCs; if (ssIsVariableStepSolver(S) && ssGetSampleTime(S,0) == CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME && ssGetOffsetTime(S,0) == 0.0) { int numOutput = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S, 0); /* * modes and zero crossings * o One mode element will be needed for each scalar output * in order to specify which equation is valid (1), (2), or (3). * o Two ZC elements will be needed for each scalar output * in order to help the solver find the exact instants * at which either of the two possible "equation switches" * One will be for the switch from eq. (1) to (2); * the other will be for eq. (2) to (3) and vice versa. */ nModes = numOutput; nNonsampledZCs = 2 * numOutput; } else { nModes = 0; nNonsampledZCs = 0; } ssSetNumModes(S,nModes); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S,nNonsampledZCs); } #endif /* MDL_SET_WORK_WIDTHS */
After declaring variables for the input and output signals, the
functions uses an if-else
statement to create blocks of code used to calculate the output signal based on
whether the S-function uses a fixed-step or variable-step solver. The
statement queries the length of the nonsampled
zero-crossing vector. If the length, set in mdlWorkWidths
, is
zero, then no zero-crossing detection is done and the output signals are
calculated directly from the input signals. Otherwise, the function uses the
mode work vector to determine how to calculate the output signal. If the
simulation is at a major time step, i.e.,
returns ssIsMajorTimeStep
determines which mode the simulation is
running in, either saturated at the upper limit, saturated at the lower limit,
or not saturated. Then, for both major and minor time steps, the function
calculates an output based on this mode. If the mode changed between the
previous and current time step, then a zero crossing occurred. The
function, not
, indicates this crossing to the solver.
/* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * * A saturation is described by three equations * * (1) y = UpperLimit * (2) y = u * (3) y = LowerLimit * * When this block is used with a fixed-step solver or it has a noncontinuous * sample time, the equations are used as it * * Now consider the case of this block being used with a variable-step solver * and it has a continuous sample time. Solvers work best on smooth problems. * In order for the solver to work without chattering, limit cycles, or * similar problems, it is absolutely crucial that the same equation be used * throughout the duration of a MajorTimeStep. To visualize this, consider * the case of the Saturation block feeding an Integrator block. * * To implement this rule, the mode vector is used to specify the * valid equation based on the following: * * if UpperLimit < u then use (1) * if LowerLimit <= u <= UpperLimit then use (2) * if u < LowerLimit then use (3) * * The mode vector is changed only at the beginning of a MajorTimeStep. * * During a minor time step, the equation specified by the mode vector * is used without question. Most of the time, the value of u will agree * with the equation specified by the mode vector. However, sometimes u's * value will indicate a different equation. Nonetheless, the equation * specified by the mode vector must be used. * * When the mode and u indicate different equations, the corresponding * calculations are not correct. However, this is not a problem. From * the ZC function, the solver will know that an equation switch occurred * in the middle of the last MajorTimeStep. The calculations for that * time step will be discarded. The ZC function will help the solver * find the exact instant at which the switch occurred. Using this knowledge, * the length of the MajorTimeStep will be reduced so that only one equation * is valid throughout the entire time step. */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0); int_T numOutput = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S,0); int_T iOutput; /* * Set index and increment for input signal, upper limit, and lower limit * parameters so that each gives scalar expansion if needed. */ int_T uIdx = 0; int_T uInc = ( ssGetInputPortWidth(S,0) > 1 ); const real_T *upperLimit = mxGetPr( P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ); int_T upperLimitInc = ( mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ) > 1 ); const real_T *lowerLimit = mxGetPr( P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ); int_T lowerLimitInc = ( mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ) > 1 ); UNUSED_ARG(tid); /* not used in single tasking mode */ if (ssGetNumNonsampledZCs(S) == 0) { /* * This block is being used with a fixed-step solver or it has * a noncontinuous sample time, so we always saturate. */ for (iOutput = 0; iOutput < numOutput; iOutput++) { if (*uPtrs[uIdx] >= *upperLimit) { *y++ = *upperLimit; } else if (*uPtrs[uIdx] > *lowerLimit) { *y++ = *uPtrs[uIdx]; } else { *y++ = *lowerLimit; } upperLimit += upperLimitInc; lowerLimit += lowerLimitInc; uIdx += uInc; } } else { /* * This block is being used with a variable-step solver. */ int_T *mode = ssGetModeVector(S); /* * Specify indices for each equation. */ enum { UpperLimitEquation, NonLimitEquation, LowerLimitEquation }; /* * Update the Mode Vector ONLY at the beginning of a MajorTimeStep */ if ( ssIsMajorTimeStep(S) ) { /* * Specify the mode, ie the valid equation for each output scalar. */ for ( iOutput = 0; iOutput < numOutput; iOutput++ ) { if ( *uPtrs[uIdx] > *upperLimit ) { /* * Upper limit eq is valid. */ mode[iOutput] = UpperLimitEquation; } else if ( *uPtrs[uIdx] < *lowerLimit ) { /* * Lower limit eq is valid. */ mode[iOutput] = LowerLimitEquation; } else { /* * Nonlimit eq is valid. */ mode[iOutput] = NonLimitEquation; } /* * Adjust indices to give scalar expansion if needed. */ uIdx += uInc; upperLimit += upperLimitInc; lowerLimit += lowerLimitInc; } /* * Reset index to input and limits. */ uIdx = 0; upperLimit = mxGetPr( P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ); lowerLimit = mxGetPr( P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ); } /* end IsMajorTimeStep */ /* * For both MinorTimeSteps and MajorTimeSteps calculate each scalar * output using the equation specified by the mode vector. */ for ( iOutput = 0; iOutput < numOutput; iOutput++ ) { if ( mode[iOutput] == UpperLimitEquation ) { /* * Upper limit eq. */ *y++ = *upperLimit; } else if ( mode[iOutput] == LowerLimitEquation ) { /* * Lower limit eq. */ *y++ = *lowerLimit; } else { /* * Nonlimit eq. */ *y++ = *uPtrs[uIdx]; } /* * Adjust indices to give scalar expansion if needed. */ uIdx += uInc; upperLimit += upperLimitInc; lowerLimit += lowerLimitInc; } } } /* end mdlOutputs */
The mdlZeroCrossings
method determines if a zero crossing
occurred between the previous and current time step. The method obtains a
pointer to the input signal using
. A comparison of this
signal's value to the value of the upper and lower saturation limits determines
values for the elements of the nonsampled zero-crossing vector. If any element
of the nonsampled zero-crossing vector switches from negative to positive, or
positive to negative, a zero crossing occurred. In the event of a zero crossing,
the Simulink engine modifies the step size and recalculates the outputs to try
to locate the exact zero crossing.ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs
#define MDL_ZERO_CROSSINGS #if defined(MDL_ZERO_CROSSINGS) && (defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) || defined(NRT)) /* Function: mdlZeroCrossings ================================================= * Abstract: * This will only be called if the number of nonsampled zero crossings is * greater than 0 which means this block has a continuous sample time and the * model is using a variable-step solver. * * Calculate zero crossing (ZC) signals that help the solver find the * exact instants at which equation switches occur: * * if UpperLimit < u then use (1) * if LowerLimit <= u <= UpperLimit then use (2) * if u < LowerLimit then use (3) * * The key words are help find. There is no choice of a function that will * direct the solver to the exact instant of the change. The solver will * track the zero crossing signal and do a bisection style search for the * exact instant of equation switch. * * There is generally one ZC signal for each pair of signals that can * switch. The three equations above would break into two pairs (1)&(2) * and (2)&(3). The possibility of a "long jump" from (1) to (3) does * not need to be handled as a separate case. It is implicitly handled. * * When ZCs are calculated, the value is normally used twice. When it is * first calculated, it is used as the end of the current time step. Later, * it will be used as the beginning of the following step. * * The sign of the ZC signal always indicates an equation from the pair. For * S-functions, which equation is associated with a positive ZC and which is * associated with a negative ZC doesn't really matter. If the ZC is positive * at the beginning and at the end of the time step, this implies that the * "positive" equation was valid throughout the time step. Likewise, if the * ZC is negative at the beginning and at the end of the time step, this * implies that the "negative" equation was valid throughout the time step. * Like any other nonlinear solver, this is not foolproof, but it is an * excellent indicator. If the ZC has a different sign at the beginning and * at the end of the time step, then an equation switch definitely occurred * during the time step. * * Ideally, the ZC signal gives an estimate of when an equation switch * occurred. For example, if the ZC signal is -2 at the beginning and +6 at * the end, then this suggests that the switch occurred * 25% = 100%*(-2)/(-2-(+6)) of the way into the time step. It will almost * never be true that 25% is perfectly correct. There is no perfect choice * for a ZC signal, but there are some good rules. First, choose the ZC * signal to be continuous. Second, choose the ZC signal to give a monotonic * measure of the "distance" to a signal switch; strictly monotonic is ideal. */ static void mdlZeroCrossings(SimStruct *S) { int_T iOutput; int_T numOutput = ssGetOutputPortWidth(S,0); real_T *zcSignals = ssGetNonsampledZCs(S); InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); /* * Set index and increment for the input signal, upper limit, and lower * limit parameters so that each gives scalar expansion if needed. */ int_T uIdx = 0; int_T uInc = ( ssGetInputPortWidth(S,0) > 1 ); real_T *upperLimit = mxGetPr( P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ); int_T upperLimitInc = ( mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_UPPER_LIMIT ) > 1 ); real_T *lowerLimit = mxGetPr( P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ); int_T lowerLimitInc = ( mxGetNumberOfElements( P_PAR_LOWER_LIMIT ) > 1 ); /* * For each output scalar, give the solver a measure of "how close things * are" to an equation switch. */ for ( iOutput = 0; iOutput < numOutput; iOutput++ ) { /* The switch from eq (1) to eq (2) * * if UpperLimit < u then use (1) * if LowerLimit <= u <= UpperLimit then use (2) * * is related to how close u is to UpperLimit. A ZC choice * that is continuous, strictly monotonic, and is * u - UpperLimit * or it is negative. */ zcSignals[2*iOutput] = *uPtrs[uIdx] - *upperLimit; /* The switch from eq (2) to eq (3) * * if LowerLimit <= u <= UpperLimit then use (2) * if u < LowerLimit then use (3) * * is related to how close u is to LowerLimit. A ZC choice * that is continuous, strictly monotonic, and is * u - LowerLimit. */ zcSignals[2*iOutput+1] = *uPtrs[uIdx] - *lowerLimit; /* * Adjust indices to give scalar expansion if needed. */ uIdx += uInc; upperLimit += upperLimitInc; lowerLimit += lowerLimitInc; } } #endif /* end mdlZeroCrossings */
The S-function concludes with the required mdlTerminate
function. In this example, the function is empty.
/* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * No termination needed, but we are required to have this routine. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { UNUSED_ARG(S); /* unused input argument */ }
The required S-function trailer includes the files necessary for simulation or code generation, as follows.
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX file? */ #include "simulink.c" /* MEX file interface mechanism */ #else #include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */ #endif
The mdlOutputs
and mdlTerminate
functions use the UNUSED_ARG
macro to indicate that an
input argument the callback requires is not used. This optional macro is
defined in simstruc_types.h
. If used, you must call this
macro once for each input argument that a callback does not use.
Discontinuities in Continuous States
The example S-function stvctf.c
demonstrates a time-varying continuous transfer function. The following Simulink model uses this S-function.
The S-function demonstrates how to work with the solvers so that the simulation maintains consistency, which means that the block maintains smooth and consistent signals for the integrators although the equations that are being integrated are changing.
The S-function stvctf.c
begins with #define
statements for the S-function name and level, along with a
statement for the simstruc.h
header. After these statements, the S-function includes or defines any other
necessary headers, data, etc. This example defines parameters for the transfer
function's numerator and denominator, which are entered into the S-function
dialog. The comments at the beginning of this S-function provide additional
information on the purpose of the work vectors in this example.
/* * File : stvctf.c * Abstract: * Time Varying Continuous Transfer Function block * * This S-function implements a continuous time transfer function * whose transfer function polynomials are passed in via the input * vector. This is useful for continuous time adaptive control * applications. * * This S-function is also an example of how to use banks to avoid * problems with computing derivatives when a continuous output has * discontinuities. The consistency checker can be used to verify that * your S-function is correct with respect to always maintaining smooth * and consistent signals for the integrators. By consistent we mean that * two mdlOutputs calls at major time t and minor time t are always the * same. The consistency checker is enabled on the diagnostics page of the * Configuraion parameters dialog box. The update method of this S-function * modifies the coefficients of the transfer function, which cause the * output to "jump." To have the simulation work properly, we need to let * the solver know of these discontinuities by setting * ssSetSolverNeedsReset and then we need to use multiple banks of * coefficients so the coefficients used in the major time step output * and the minor time step outputs are the same. In the simulation loop * we have: * Loop: * o Output in major time step at time t * o Update in major time step at time t * o Integrate (minor time step): * o Consistency check: recompute outputs at time t and compare * with current outputs. * o Derivatives at time t * o One or more Output,Derivative evaluations at time t+k * where k <= step_size to be taken. * o Compute state, x * o t = t + step_size * End_Integrate * End_Loop * Another purpose of the consistency checker is to verify that when * the solver needs to try a smaller step_size, the recomputing of * the output and derivatives at time t doesn't change. Step size * reduction occurs when tolerances aren't met for the current step size. * The ideal ordering would be to update after integrate. To achieve * this we have two banks of coefficients. And the use of the new * coefficients, which were computed in update, is delayed until after * the integrate phase is complete. * * This block has multiple sample times and will not work correctly * in a multitasking environment. It is designed to be used in * a single tasking (or variable step) simulation environment. * Because this block accesses the input signal in both tasks, * it cannot specify the sample times of the input and output ports * (SS_OPTION_PORT_SAMPLE_TIMES_ASSIGNED). * * See matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/blocks/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c. * * Copyright 1990-7 The bat365, Inc. */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME stvctf #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #include "simstruc.h" /* * Defines for easy access to the numerator and denominator polynomials * parameters */ #define NUM(S) ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0) #define DEN(S) ssGetSFcnParam(S, 1) #define TS(S) ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2) #define NPARAMS 3
This S-function implements the mdlCheckParameters
method to
check the validity of the S-function dialog parameters. Because this method is
optional, a #define
statement precedes it. The #if
statement checks that this function is compiled as a MEX
file, instead of for use with the Simulink
Coder product. The body of the function performs basic checks to ensure
that the user entered real vectors for the numerator and denominator, and that
the denominator has a higher order than the numerator. If the parameter check
fails, the S-function errors out.
#define MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS #if defined(MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS) && defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) /* Function: mdlCheckParameters ============================================= * Abstract: * Validate our parameters to verify: * o The numerator must be of a lower order than the denominator. * o The sample time must be a real positive nonzero value. */ static void mdlCheckParameters(SimStruct *S) { int_T i; for (i = 0; i < NPARAMS; i++) { real_T *pr; int_T el; int_T nEls; if (mxIsEmpty( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)) || mxIsSparse( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)) || mxIsComplex( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)) || !mxIsNumeric( ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)) ) { ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Parameters must be real finite vectors"); return; } pr = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)); nEls = mxGetNumberOfElements(ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)); for (el = 0; el < nEls; el++) { if (!mxIsFinite(pr[el])) { ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Parameters must be real finite vectors"); return; } } } if (mxGetNumberOfElements(NUM(S)) > mxGetNumberOfElements(DEN(S)) && mxGetNumberOfElements(DEN(S)) > 0 && *mxGetPr(DEN(S)) != 0.0) { ssSetErrorStatus(S,"The denominator must be of higher order than " "the numerator, nonempty and with first " "element nonzero"); return; } /* xxx verify finite */ if (mxGetNumberOfElements(TS(S)) != 1 || mxGetPr(TS(S))[0] <= 0.0) { ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Invalid sample time specified"); return; } } #endif /* MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSizes
then sets
up the following S-function characteristics.
sets the number of expected S-function dialog parameters to three, as defined previously in the variablessSetNumSFcnParams
.If this method is compiled as a MEX file,
determines how many parameters the user entered into the S-function dialog. If the number of user-specified parameters matches the number returned byssGetSFcnParamsCount
, the method callsssGetNumSFcnParams
to check the validity of the user-entered data. Otherwise, the S-function errors out.If the parameter check passes, the S-function specifies the number of continuous and discrete states using
, respectively. This example has no discrete states and sets the number of continuous states based on the number of coefficients in the transfer function's denominator.ssSetNumDiscStates
specifies that the S-function has a single input port and sets its width to one plus twice the length of the denominator usingssSetNumInputPorts
. The method uses the value provided by the third S-function dialog parameter as the input port's sample time. This parameter indicates the rate at which the transfer function is modified during simulation. The S-function specifies that the input port has direct feedthrough by passing a value ofssSetInputPortWidth
specifies that the S-function has a single output port. The method usesssSetNumOutputPorts
to set the width of this output port,ssSetOutputPortWidth
to specify that the output port has a continuous sample time, andssSetOutputPortSampleTime
to set the offset time to zero.ssSetOutputPortOffsetTime
then initializes two sample times, which thessSetNumSampleTimes
function configures later.The method passes a value of four times the number of denominator coefficients to
in order to set the length of the floating-point work vector.ssSetNumRWork
then sets the length of the integer work vector to two. The RWork vectors store two banks of transfer function coefficients, while the IWork vector indicates which bank in the RWork vector is currently in use. The S-function sets the length of all other work vectors to zero. You can omit these lines because zero is the default value for these macros. However, for clarity, the S-function explicitly sets the number of work vectors.ssSetNumIWork
sets any applicable options. In this case,ssSetOptions
stipulates that the code is exception free.
The mdlInitializeSizes
function for this example is shown
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * Determine the S-function block's characteristics: * number of inputs, outputs, states, etc. */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { int_T nContStates; int_T nCoeffs; /* See sfuntmpl_doc.c for more details on the macros below. */ ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, NPARAMS); /* Number of expected parameters. */ #if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) == ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { mdlCheckParameters(S); if (ssGetErrorStatus(S) != NULL) { return; } } else { return; /* Parameter mismatch reported by the Simulink engine*/ } #endif /* * Define the characteristics of the block: * * Number of continuous states: length of denominator - 1 * Inputs port width 2 * (NumContStates+1) + 1 * Output port width 1 * DirectFeedThrough: 0 (Although this should be computed. * We'll assume coefficients entered * are strictly proper). * Number of sample times: 2 (continuous and discrete) * Number of Real work elements: 4*NumCoeffs * (Two banks for num and den coeff's: * NumBank0Coeffs * DenBank0Coeffs * NumBank1Coeffs * DenBank1Coeffs) * Number of Integer work elements: 2 (indicator of active bank 0 or 1 * and flag to indicate when banks * have been updated). * * The number of inputs arises from the following: * o 1 input (u) * o the numerator and denominator polynomials each have NumContStates+1 * coefficients */ nCoeffs = mxGetNumberOfElements(DEN(S)); nContStates = nCoeffs - 1; ssSetNumContStates(S, nContStates); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0); if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return; ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 1 + (2*nCoeffs)); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 0); ssSetInputPortSampleTime(S, 0, mxGetPr(TS(S))[0]); ssSetInputPortOffsetTime(S, 0, 0); if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S,1)) return; ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 1); ssSetOutputPortSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOutputPortOffsetTime(S, 0, 0); ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 2); ssSetNumRWork(S, 4 * nCoeffs); ssSetNumIWork(S, 2); ssSetNumPWork(S, 0); ssSetNumModes(S, 0); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0); /* Take care when specifying exception free code - see sfuntmpl_doc.c */ ssSetOptions(S, (SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE)); } /* end mdlInitializeSizes */
The required S-function method mdlInitializeSampleTimes
specifies the S-function sample rates. The first call to
specifies that the first sample rate is continuous and the subsequent call to
sets the offset to zero. The second call to this pair of macros sets the second
sample time to the value of the third S-function parameter with an offset of
zero. The call to
tells the
solver to use the default rule to determine if referenced models containing this
S-function can inherit their sample times from the parent model.
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * This function is used to specify the sample time(s) for the * S-function. This S-function has two sample times. The * first, a continuous sample time, is used for the input to the * transfer function, u. The second, a discrete sample time * provided by the user, defines the rate at which the transfer * function coefficients are updated. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { /* * the first sample time, continuous */ ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); /* * the second, discrete sample time, is user provided */ ssSetSampleTime(S, 1, mxGetPr(TS(S))[0]); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 1, 0.0); ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeDefaultInheritance(S); } /* end mdlInitializeSampleTimes */
The optional S-function method mdlInitializeConditions
initializes the continuous state vector and the initial numerator and
denominator vectors. The #define
statement before this method
is required for the Simulink engine to call this function. The function initializes the
continuous states to zero. The numerator and denominator coefficients are
initialized from the first two S-function parameters, normalized by the first
denominator coefficient. The function sets the value stored in the IWork vector
to zero, to indicate that the first bank of numerator and denominator
coefficients stored in the RWork vector is currently in use.
#define MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS /* Function: mdlInitializeConditions ========================================== * Abstract: * Initialize the states, numerator and denominator coefficients. */ static void mdlInitializeConditions(SimStruct *S) { int_T i; int_T nContStates = ssGetNumContStates(S); real_T *x0 = ssGetContStates(S); int_T nCoeffs = nContStates + 1; real_T *numBank0 = ssGetRWork(S); real_T *denBank0 = numBank0 + nCoeffs; int_T *activeBank = ssGetIWork(S); /* * The continuous states are all initialized to zero. */ for (i = 0; i < nContStates; i++) { x0[i] = 0.0; numBank0[i] = 0.0; denBank0[i] = 0.0; } numBank0[nContStates] = 0.0; denBank0[nContStates] = 0.0; /* * Set up the initial numerator and denominator. */ { const real_T *numParam = mxGetPr(NUM(S)); int numParamLen = mxGetNumberOfElements(NUM(S)); const real_T *denParam = mxGetPr(DEN(S)); int denParamLen = mxGetNumberOfElements(DEN(S)); real_T den0 = denParam[0]; for (i = 0; i < denParamLen; i++) { denBank0[i] = denParam[i] / den0; } for (i = 0; i < numParamLen; i++) { numBank0[i] = numParam[i] / den0; } } /* * Normalize if this transfer function has direct feedthrough. */ for (i = 1; i < nCoeffs; i++) { numBank0[i] -= denBank0[i]*numBank0[0]; } /* * Indicate bank0 is active (i.e. bank1 is oldest). */ *activeBank = 0; } /* end mdlInitializeConditions */
The mdlOutputs
function calculates the S-function output
signals when the S-function is simulating in a continuous task, i.e.,
is ssIsContinuousTask
. If the
simulation is also at a major time step, mdlOutputs
checks if
the numerator and denominator coefficients need to be updated, as indicated by a
switch in the active bank stored in the IWork vector. At both major and minor
time steps, the S-function calculates the output using the numerator
coefficients stored in the active bank.
/* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * The outputs for this block are computed by using a controllable state- * space representation of the transfer function. */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { if (ssIsContinuousTask(S,tid)) { int i; real_T *num; int nContStates = ssGetNumContStates(S); real_T *x = ssGetContStates(S); int_T nCoeffs = nContStates + 1; InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0); int_T *activeBank = ssGetIWork(S); /* * Switch banks because we've updated them in mdlUpdate and we're no * longer in a minor time step. */ if (ssIsMajorTimeStep(S)) { int_T *banksUpdated = ssGetIWork(S) + 1; if (*banksUpdated) { *activeBank = !(*activeBank); *banksUpdated = 0; /* * Need to tell the solvers that the derivatives are no * longer valid. */ ssSetSolverNeedsReset(S); } } num = ssGetRWork(S) + (*activeBank) * (2*nCoeffs); /* * The continuous system is evaluated using a controllable state space * representation of the transfer function. This implies that the * output of the system is equal to: * * y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) * = [ b1 b2 ... bn]x(t) + b0u(t) * * where b0, b1, b2, ... are the coefficients of the numerator * polynomial: * * B(s) = b0 s^n + b1 s^n-1 + b2 s^n-2 + ... + bn-1 s + bn */ *y = *num++ * (*uPtrs[0]); for (i = 0; i < nContStates; i++) { *y += *num++ * *x++; } } } /* end mdlOutputs */
Although this example has no discrete states, the method still implements the
function to update the transfer function
coefficients at every major time step. Because this method is optional, a
statement precedes it. The method uses
to obtain a pointer
to the input signal. The input signal's values become the new transfer function
coefficients, which the S-function stores in the bank of the inactive RWork
vector. When the ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs
function is later called at this
major time step, it updates the active bank to be this updated bank of
#define MDL_UPDATE /* Function: mdlUpdate ======================================================== * Abstract: * Every time through the simulation loop, update the * transfer function coefficients. Here we update the oldest bank. */ static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { if (ssIsSampleHit(S, 1, tid)) { int_T i; InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); int_T uIdx = 1;/*1st coeff is after signal input*/ int_T nContStates = ssGetNumContStates(S); int_T nCoeffs = nContStates + 1; int_T bankToUpdate = !ssGetIWork(S)[0]; real_T *num = ssGetRWork(S)+bankToUpdate*2*nCoeffs; real_T *den = num + nCoeffs; real_T den0; int_T allZero; /* * Get the first denominator coefficient. It will be used * for normalizing the numerator and denominator coefficients. * * If all inputs are zero, we probably could have unconnected * inputs, so use the parameter as the first denominator coefficient. */ den0 = *uPtrs[uIdx+nCoeffs]; if (den0 == 0.0) { den0 = mxGetPr(DEN(S))[0]; } /* * Grab the numerator. */ allZero = 1; for (i = 0; (i < nCoeffs) && allZero; i++) { allZero &= *uPtrs[uIdx+i] == 0.0; } if (allZero) { /* if numerator is all zero */ const real_T *numParam = mxGetPr(NUM(S)); int_T numParamLen = mxGetNumberOfElements(NUM(S)); /* * Move the input to the denominator input and * get the denominator from the input parameter. */ uIdx += nCoeffs; num += nCoeffs - numParamLen; for (i = 0; i < numParamLen; i++) { *num++ = *numParam++ / den0; } } else { for (i = 0; i < nCoeffs; i++) { *num++ = *uPtrs[uIdx++] / den0; } } /* * Grab the denominator. */ allZero = 1; for (i = 0; (i < nCoeffs) && allZero; i++) { allZero &= *uPtrs[uIdx+i] == 0.0; } if (allZero) { /* If denominator is all zero. */ const real_T *denParam = mxGetPr(DEN(S)); int_T denParamLen = mxGetNumberOfElements(DEN(S)); den0 = denParam[0]; for (i = 0; i < denParamLen; i++) { *den++ = *denParam++ / den0; } } else { for (i = 0; i < nCoeffs; i++) { *den++ = *uPtrs[uIdx++] / den0; } } /* * Normalize if this transfer function has direct feedthrough. */ num = ssGetRWork(S) + bankToUpdate*2*nCoeffs; den = num + nCoeffs; for (i = 1; i < nCoeffs; i++) { num[i] -= den[i]*num[0]; } /* * Indicate oldest bank has been updated. */ ssGetIWork(S)[1] = 1; } } /* end mdlUpdate */
The mdlDerivatives
function calculates the continuous state
derivatives. The function uses the coefficients from the active bank to solve a
controllable state-space representation of the transfer function.
#define MDL_DERIVATIVES /* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================== * Abstract: * The derivatives for this block are computed by using a controllable * state-space representation of the transfer function. */ static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S) { int_T i; int_T nContStates = ssGetNumContStates(S); real_T *x = ssGetContStates(S); real_T *dx = ssGetdX(S); int_T nCoeffs = nContStates + 1; int_T activeBank = ssGetIWork(S)[0]; const real_T *num = ssGetRWork(S) + activeBank*(2*nCoeffs); const real_T *den = num + nCoeffs; InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0); /* * The continuous system is evaluated using a controllable state-space * representation of the transfer function. This implies that the * next continuous states are computed using: * * dx = Ax(t) + Bu(t) * = [-a1 -a2 ... -an] [x1(t)] + [u(t)] * [ 1 0 ... 0] [x2(t)] + [0] * [ 0 1 ... 0] [x3(t)] + [0] * [ . . ... .] . + . * [ . . ... .] . + . * [ . . ... .] . + . * [ 0 0 ... 1 0] [xn(t)] + [0] * * where a1, a2, ... are the coefficients of the numerator polynomial: * * A(s) = s^n + a1 s^n-1 + a2 s^n-2 + ... + an-1 s + an */ dx[0] = -den[1] * x[0] + *uPtrs[0]; for (i = 1; i < nContStates; i++) { dx[i] = x[i-1]; dx[0] -= den[i+1] * x[i]; } } /* end mdlDerivatives */
The required mdlTerminate
function performs any actions,
such as freeing memory, necessary at the end of the simulation. In this example,
the function is empty.
/* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * Called when the simulation is terminated. * For this block, there are no end of simulation tasks. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { UNUSED_ARG(S); /* unused input argument */ } /* end mdlTerminate */
The required S-function trailer includes the files necessary for simulation or code generation, as follows.
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX file? */ #include "simulink.c" /* MEX file interface mechanism */ #else #include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */ #endif
The mdlTerminate
function uses the
macro to indicate that an input argument
the callback requires is not used. This optional macro is defined in
. If used, you must call this
macro once for each input argument that a callback does not use.
See Also
| mdlUpdate
| mdlTerminate