values = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,trackID,property)
returns the tracking filter property values for a specific track within a multi-object
tracker. trackID is the ID of that specific track.
values = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,trackID,property1,...,propertyN)
returns multiple property values. You can specify the properties in any order.
Radar tracker, specified as a radarTracker
trackID — Track ID positive integer
Track ID, specified as a positive integer. trackID must be a
valid track in tracker.
property — Tracking filter property character vector | string scalar
Tracking filter property to return values for, specified as a character vector or
string scalar. property must be a valid property of the tracking
filter used by tracker. Valid tracking filters are trackingKF, trackingEKF, and trackingUKF.
You can specify additional properties in any order.
Tracking filter property values, returned as a cell array. Each element in the cell
array corresponds to the values of a specified property.
getTrackFilterProperties returns the values in the same order in which you
specified the corresponding properties.
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