= ferror(fileID)
returns the error number that is associated with the error message.
[message,errnum] = ferror(fileID,'clear')
clears the error indicator for the specified file. Specify the literal
clear as a character vector or a string scalar. When you
clear the error indicator, succeeding calls to ferror behave as
if the most recent I/O operation is successful.
Return the details for the most recent file I/O error on a file that you specify.
Open the file to read.
fid = fopen('outages.csv','r');
Set the read position to -5 bytes from the beginning of the file. Since no data exists before the beginning of the file, fseek returns -1 indicating that the operation was unsuccessful.
status = fseek(fid,-5,'bof')
status =
Get the details on the most recent error message on the file using its file identifier fid.
error = ferror(fid)
error =
'Offset is bad - before beginning-of-file.'
Error message, returned as character vector containing the error message
associated with the most recent I/O operation. If the most recent I/O
operation is successful or if you clear it manually, then
message is an empty character vector.
errnum — Error number integer
Error number, returned as an integer code associated with the error from
most recent file I/O operation. If the most recent file I/O operation is
successful, then errnum is 0. A
nonzero errnum indicates an error:
Negative values correspond to MATLAB® error messages.
Positive values correspond to C library error messages for
your system.
Extended Capabilities
Thread-Based Environment Run code in the background using MATLAB® backgroundPool or accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ ThreadPool.