Export KML Files for Viewing in Earth Browsers
Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML dialect for formatting 2-D and 3-D geodata for display in "Earth browsers," such as Google Earth™ mapping service, Google Maps™ mapping service, Google Mobile™ wireless service, and NASA WorldWind. Other Web browser applications, such as Yahoo!® Pipes, also support KML either by rendering or generating files. A KML file specifies a set of features (placemarks, images, polygons, 3-D models, textual descriptions, etc.) and how they are to be displayed in browsers and applications.
Each place must at least have an address or a longitude and a latitude. Places can also have textual descriptions, including hyperlinks. KML files can also specify display styles for markers, lines and polygons, and "camera view" parameters such as tilt, heading, and altitude. You can generate placemarks in KML files for individual points and sets of points that include attributes in table form. You can include HTML markups in these tables, with or without hyperlinks, but you cannot currently control the camera view of a placemark. (However, the users of an Earth browser can generally control their views of it).
Generate a Single Placemark Using kmlwritepoint
This example shows how to generate a placemark using
by specifying the latitude and longitude that
identifies a location. This example also specifies the icon used for the placemark
and the text that appears in the balloon associated with the placemark.
lat = 42.299827; lon = -71.350273; description = sprintf('%s<br>%s</b><br>%s</b>', ... '3 Apple Hill Drive', 'Natick, MA. 01760', ... ''); name = 'The bat365, Inc.'; iconFilename = ... '/products/product_listing/images/ml_icon.gif'; iconScale = 1.0; filename = 'bat365.kml'; kmlwritepoint(filename, lat, lon, ... 'Description', description, 'Name', name, ... 'Icon', iconFilename, 'IconScale', iconScale);
This code produces the following KML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"> <Document> <name>bat365</name> <Placemark> <Snippet maxLines="0"> </Snippet> <description>3 Apple Hill Drive<br>Natick, MA. 01760</b>; <br></b>; </description> <name>The bat365, Inc.</name> <Style> <IconStyle> <Icon> <href> /products/product_listing/images/ml_icon.gif </href> </Icon> <scale>1</scale> </IconStyle> </Style> <Point> <coordinates>-71.350273,42.299827,0.0</coordinates> </Point> </Placemark> </Document> </kml>
does not include location coordinates in
placemarks. This is because it is easy for users to read out where a placemark is by
mousing over it or by viewing its Properties dialog box.Generate Placemarks from Addresses
This example shows how to generate a placemark using street addresses or more general addresses such as postal codes, city, state, or country names, instead of latitude and longitude information. If the viewing application is capable of looking up addresses, such placemarks can be displayed in appropriate, although possibly imprecise, locations. (Note that the Google Maps service does not support address-based placemarks.)
When you use addresses, kmlwrite
creates an
element for each placemark rather than
elements containing
elements. For example, here is code for
that generates address-based placemarks for three
cities in Australia from a cell
address = {'Perth, Australia', ... 'Melbourne, Australia', ... 'Sydney, Australia'}; filename = 'Australian_Cities.kml'; kmlwrite(filename, address, 'Name', address);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"> <Document> <name>Australian_Cities</name> <Placemark> <Snippet maxLines="0"> </Snippet> <description> </description> <name>Perth, Australia</name> <address>Perth, Australia</address> </Placemark> <Placemark> <Snippet maxLines="0"> </Snippet> <description> </description> <name>Melbourne, Australia</name> <address>Melbourne, Australia</address> </Placemark> <Placemark> <Snippet maxLines="0"> </Snippet> <description> </description> <name>Sydney, Australia</name> <address>Sydney, Australia</address> </Placemark> </Document> </kml>
Export Point Geostructs to Placemarks
This example shows how to read data from shapefiles and generate a KML file that identifies all or selected attributes, which you can then view in an earth browser such as Google Earth. It also shows how to customize placemark icons and vary them according to attribute values.
The Mapping Toolbox™ tsunamis shapefiles contain a database of 162 tsunami events reported
between 1950 and 2006, described as point locations with 21 variables (including 18
attributes). You can type out the metadata file tsunamis.txt
see the definitions of all the data fields. The steps below select some of these
from the shapefiles and display them as tables in exported KML placemarks.
Read the tsunami shapefiles, selecting certain attributes.
There are several ways to select attributes from shapefiles. One is to pass
a cell array of attribute names in the Attributes parameter. For example, you might just want to map the maximum wave height, the suspected cause, and also show the year, location and country for each event. Set up a cell array with the corresponding attribute field names as follows, remembering that field names are case-sensitive.attrs = {'Max_Height','Cause','Year','Location','Country'};
Since the data file uses latitude and longitude coordinates, you need to specify
to ensure thatshaperead
returns a geostruct (havingLat
fields).tsunamis = shaperead('tsunamis.shp','useGeoCoords',true,... 'Attributes',attrs);
Look at the first record in the
geostruct returned byshaperead
.tsunamis(1) Geometry: 'Point' Lon: 128.3000 Lat: -3.8000 Max_Height: 2.8000 Cause: 'Earthquake' Year: 1950 Location: 'JAVA TRENCH, INDONESIA' Country: 'INDONESIA'
Export the tsunami data to a KML file with
By default,
outputs all attribute data in a geostruct to a KML formatted file as an HTML table containing unstyled text. When you view it, the Google Earth program supplies a default marker.kmlfilename = 'tsunami1.kml'; kmlwritepoint(kmlfilename,tsunamis(1).Lat,tsunamis(1).Lon);
View the placemarks in an earth browser. For example, you can view KML files with the Google Earth browser, which must be installed on your computer.
For Windows, use the
For Linux, if the file name is a partial path, use the following commands:
cmd = 'googleearth '; fullfilename = fullfile(pwd, filename); system([cmd fullfilename])
For Mac, if the file name is a partial path, use the following commands:
cmd = 'open -a Google\ Earth ' fullfilename = fullfile(pwd, filename); system([cmd fullfilename])
Customize the placemark contents
To customize the HTML table in the placemark, use the
function. Create an attribute spec for thetsunamis
geostruct and inspect it.Format the label forattribspec = makeattribspec(tsunamis) attribspec = Max_Height: [1x1 struct] Cause: [1x1 struct] Year: [1x1 struct] Location: [1x1 struct] Country: [1x1 struct]
as bold text, give units information aboutMax_Height
, and also set the other attribute labels in bold.When you use the attribute spec, all the attributes it lists are included in the placemarks generated byattribspec.Max_Height.AttributeLabel = '<b>Maximum Height</b>'; attribspec.Max_Height.Format = '%.1f Meters'; attribspec.Cause.AttributeLabel = '<b>Cause</b>'; attribspec.Year.AttributeLabel = '<b>Year</b>'; attribspec.Year.Format = '%.0f'; attribspec.Location.AttributeLabel = '<b>Location</b>'; attribspec.Country.AttributeLabel = '<b>Country</b>';
unless you remove them from the spec manually (e.g., withrmfield
).Customize the placemark icon
You can specify your own icon using
to use instead of the default pushpin symbol. The black-and-white bullseye icon used here is specified as URL for an icon in the Google KML library.iconname = ... 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/placemark_circle.png'; kmlwritepoint(kmlfilename,tsunamis(1).Lat,tsunamis(1).Lon, ... 'Description',attribspec,'Name',{tsunamis(1).Location}, ... 'Icon',iconname,'IconScale',2);
Vary placemark size by tsunami height
To vary the size of placemark icons, specify an icon file and a scaling factor for every observation as vectors of names (all the same) and scale factors (all computed individually) when writing a KML file. Scale the width and height of the markers to the log of
. Scaling factors for point icons are data-dependent and can take some experimenting with to get right.% Create vector with log2 exponents of |Max_Height| values [loghgtx loghgte] = log2([tsunamis.Max_Height]); % Create a vector replicating the icon URL iconnames = cellstr(repmat(iconname,numel(tsunamis),1)); kmlwritepoint(kmlfilename,tsunamis(1).Lat,tsunamis(1).Lon, 'Description',attribspec,... 'Name',{tsunamis(1).Location},'Icon',iconname,... 'IconScale',loghgte);