Build Interactive Tools
You can use modular interactive tools independently or in combination to create custom image processing apps. For example, you can create apps that display pixel and image information, enable magnification and navigation aids, and modify images by cropping or adjusting image contrast.
To help you create tools that integrate well with the existing modular interactive tools, the toolbox includes many utility functions that perform commonly needed tasks. For example, the utility functions can add callback functions that perform actions in response to movements of the mouse and align figure windows in relation to a fixed window. You can also get information about image properties and attributes.
- Interactive Tool Workflow
Learn how to create an interactive tool and how to associate it with a target image.
- Interactive Image Viewing and Processing Tools
Interactive tools enable you to get information about image data and perform operations such as contrast adjustment and cropping.
- Add Scroll Panel to Figure
When you put an image in a scrollable window, the object hierarchy of the displayed image changes.