Detect Anomalies in Signals Using deepSignalAnomalyDetector
This example shows how to detect anomalies in signals using deepSignalAnomalyDetector
(Signal Processing Toolbox). The deepSignalAnomalyDetector
object implements autoencoder architectures that can be trained using semi-supervised or unsupervised learning. The detector can find abnormal points or regions, or identify whole signals as anomalous. The object also provides several convenient functions that you can use to visualize and analyze results.
Anomalies are data points that deviate from the overall pattern of an entire data set. Detecting anomalies in time-series data has broad applications in domains such as manufacturing, predictive maintenance, and human health monitoring. In many scenarios, manually labeling an entire data set to train a model to detect anomalies is unrealistic, especially when the relevant data has many more normal samples than abnormal ones. In those scenarios, anomaly detection based on semi-supervised or unsupervised learning is a more viable solution.
provides two types of autoencoder architecture. An autoencoder is a deep neural network that is trained to replicate the input data at its output such that the reconstruction error is as small as possible. The data used to train the autoencoder can consist exclusively of normal samples or can include a small percentage of samples with anomalies. The data does not have to be labeled. After you train the autoencoder, it can reconstruct test data, compute the reconstruction error for each sample, and declare as anomalies those samples whose reconstruction error surpasses a specified threshold.
Case 1: Detect Abnormal Heartbeat Sequences
This section uses the deepSignalAnomalyDetector
object to detect abnormal heartbeat sequences in data from the BIDMC Congestive Heart Failure Database [1]. The heartbeat collection has 5405 electrocardiogram (ECG) sequences of varying length, each sampled at 250 Hz and containing three categories of heartbeat:
N — Normal
r — R-onT premature ventricular contraction
V — Premature ventricular contraction
The data is labeled, but in this example you use the labels only for testing and performance evaluation. The autoencoder training process is fully unsupervised.
Load Data
Download the heartbeat data from https://ssd.bat365/supportfiles/SPT/data/ using the downloadSupportFile
function. The whole data set is approximately 2 MB in size. The ecgSignals
contains signals and ecgLabels
contains labels.
datasetZipFile = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile('SPT','data/'); datasetFolder = fullfile(fileparts(datasetZipFile),'PhysionetBDMC'); if ~exist(datasetFolder,'dir') unzip(datasetZipFile,datasetFolder); end ds1 = load(fullfile(datasetFolder,"chf07.mat")); ecgSignals1 = ds1.ecgSignals
ecgSignals1=5405×1 cell array
{146×1 double}
{140×1 double}
{139×1 double}
{143×1 double}
{143×1 double}
{145×1 double}
{147×1 double}
{139×1 double}
{143×1 double}
{139×1 double}
{146×1 double}
{143×1 double}
{144×1 double}
{142×1 double}
{142×1 double}
{140×1 double}
ecgLabels1 = ds1.ecgLabels; cnts = countlabels(ecgLabels1)
cnts=3×3 table
Label Count Percent
_____ _____ _______
N 5288 97.835
V 6 0.11101
r 111 2.0537
Visualize typical waveforms corresponding to each of the three heartbeat categories.
Get the indices corresponding to each category and split the data set into training and testing sets. In the training set, include 60% of samples to maintain the natural anomaly distribution. Exclude class V samples from the training set but include them in the test set. Including these samples in the test set determines whether the autoencoder can detect previously unobserved anomaly types.
idxN = find(strcmp(ecgLabels1,"N")); idxR = find(strcmp(ecgLabels1,"r")); idxV = find(strcmp(ecgLabels1,"V")); idxs = splitlabels(ecgLabels1,0.6,Exclude="V"); idxTrain = [idxs{1}]; idxTest = [idxs{2};idxV];
ans=2×3 table
Label Count Percent
_____ _____ _______
N 3173 97.932
r 67 2.0679
ans=3×3 table
Label Count Percent
_____ _____ _______
N 2115 97.691
V 6 0.27714
r 44 2.0323
Create and Train Detector
Create a deepSignalAnomalyDetector
object with a long short-term memory (LSTM) model. Set WindowLength
to "fullSignal"
to determine whether each complete signal segment is normal or abnormal.
DLSTM1 = deepSignalAnomalyDetector(1,"lstm",WindowLength="fullSignal")
DLSTM1 = deepSignalAnomalyDetectorLSTM with properties: IsTrained: 0 NumChannels: 1 Model Information ModelType: 'lstmautoencoder' EncoderHiddenUnits: [32 16] DecoderHiddenUnits: [16 32] Threshold Information Threshold: [] ThresholdMethod: 'contaminationFraction' ThresholdParameter: 0.0100 Window Information WindowLength: 'fullSignal' WindowLossAggregation: 'mean'
Train the detector using the adaptive moment estimation (Adam) optimizer, which is one of the most popular solvers for deep learning training. The maximum number of epochs often needs to be adjusted according to the data set size and training process. Because the number of samples is large, set MaxEpochs
to 200
opts = trainingOptions("adam", ... MaxEpochs=200, ... MiniBatchSize=500); trainDetector(DLSTM1,ecgSignals1(idxTrain),opts);
Iteration Epoch TimeElapsed LearnRate TrainingLoss _________ _____ ___________ _________ ____________ 1 1 00:00:00 0.001 0.21702 50 9 00:00:23 0.001 0.045203 100 17 00:00:46 0.001 0.038362 150 25 00:01:09 0.001 0.029108 200 34 00:01:32 0.001 0.02876 250 42 00:01:58 0.001 0.027447 300 50 00:02:21 0.001 0.026755 350 59 00:02:45 0.001 0.028011 400 67 00:03:08 0.001 0.026707 450 75 00:03:32 0.001 0.025835 500 84 00:03:56 0.001 0.027199 550 92 00:04:20 0.001 0.026517 600 100 00:04:43 0.001 0.026001 650 109 00:05:07 0.001 0.026268 700 117 00:05:30 0.001 0.027192 750 125 00:05:53 0.001 0.025325 800 134 00:06:16 0.001 0.026108 850 142 00:06:40 0.001 0.025687 900 150 00:07:04 0.001 0.02498 950 159 00:07:27 0.001 0.030483 1000 167 00:07:51 0.001 0.026577 1050 175 00:08:25 0.001 0.025216 1100 184 00:08:49 0.001 0.025874 1150 192 00:09:13 0.001 0.025275 1200 200 00:09:37 0.001 0.019067 Training stopped: Max epochs completed Computing threshold... Threshold computation completed.
Adjust Threshold
By default, the deepSignalAnomalyDetector
object computes the threshold assuming that 1% of the data in the training set are abnormal. This assumption is not always true, so you often need to adjust the threshold by changing the automatic threshold method or by setting the threshold value manually.
Use the plotLoss
(Signal Processing Toolbox) function to visualize the losses of the training set and the current threshold value. Each stem corresponds to the reconstruction error for one of the signals in the training data set.
figure plotLoss(DLSTM1,ecgSignals1(idxTrain)) ylim([0,0.1])
Based on the plotLoss
output, set threshold value manually such that the few sporadic losses that exceed the threshold are most likely anomalies.
updateDetector(DLSTM1, ... ThresholdMethod="Manual", ... Threshold=0.03)
To validate the choice of threshold, plot the distribution of the reconstruction errors for the normal and the abnormal data using plotLossDistribution
(Signal Processing Toolbox). The histogram to the left of the threshold corresponds to the distribution of normal data. The histogram to the right of the threshold corresponds to the distribution of abnormal data. The chosen threshold value successfully separates the normal and abnormal groups.
% ecgSignals1(idxN) contains normal signals only % ecgSignals1([idxR;idxV]) contains abnormal signals plotLossDistribution(DLSTM1,ecgSignals1(idxN),ecgSignals1([idxR; idxV]))
Detect Anomalies and Evaluate Performance
Pick one sample from each category in the testing set and plot the reconstructed signal using plotAnomalies
(Signal Processing Toolbox). The red lines represent signals the detector classifies as abnormal. A good sign that the detector is successfully trained is that it can adequately reconstruct normal signals and cannot adequately reconstruct abnormal signals.
figure(Position=[0 0 500 300])
idxNTest = union(idxN,idxTest); % Class N
figure(Position=[0 0 500 300])
idxVTest = union(idxV,idxTest); % Class V
figure(Position=[0 0 500 300])
idxRTest = union(idxR,idxTest); % Class r
Use the detect
(Signal Processing Toolbox) object function of the detector with both training and testing sets to detect anomalies and compute reconstruction losses.
[labelsTrainPred1,lossTrainPred1] = detect(DLSTM1,ecgSignals1(idxTrain)); [labelsTestPred1,lossTestPred1] = detect(DLSTM1,ecgSignals1(idxTest));
There are two different anomaly detection tasks.
Detect anomalies contained in the training set, also known as outlier detection.
Detect anomalies in new observations outside the training set, also known as novelty detection.
Analyze the performance of the trained autoencoder in the two tasks.
You can use a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to evaluate the accuracy of a detector over a range of decision thresholds. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) measures the overall performance. The closer the AUC is to 1, the stronger the detection ability of the detector. Compute the AUC using the rocmetrics
function. The AUC is close to one for the outlier detection, and slightly smaller but still very good for the novelty detection.
figure("Position",[0 0 600 300]) tiledlayout(1,2,TileSpacing="compact") nexttile rocc = rocmetrics(ecgLabels1(idxTrain)~="N",cell2mat(lossTrainPred1),true); plot(rocc,ShowModelOperatingPoint=false) title(["Training Set ROC Curve","(Outlier Detection)"]) nexttile rocc = rocmetrics(ecgLabels1(idxTest)~="N",cell2mat(lossTestPred1),true); plot(rocc,ShowModelOperatingPoint=false) title(["Testing Set ROC Curve","(Novelty Detection)"])
Compute the detection accuracy with the previously specified threshold.
figure("Position",[0 0 1000 300]) tiledlayout(1,2,TileSpacing="compact") nexttile cm = confusionchart(ecgLabels1(idxTrain)~="N",cell2mat(labelsTrainPred1)); cm.RowSummary = "row-normalized"; title("Training Set Accuracy (Outlier Detection)") nexttile cm = confusionchart(ecgLabels1(idxTest)~="N",cell2mat(labelsTestPred1)); cm.RowSummary = "row-normalized"; title("Test Set Accuracy (Novelty Detection)")
Case 2: Detect Anomalous Points in Continuous Long Time Series
The previous section showed how to detect anomalies in data sets containing multiple signal segments and determine whether each segment was abnormal or not. In this section the data set is a single signal. The goal is to detect anomalies in the signal and the times at which they occur.
Use a deepSignalAnomalyDetector
on a long ECG recording to detect anomalies caused by ventricular tachycardia. The data is from the Sudden Cardiac Death Holter Database [2]. The ECG signal has a sampling rate of 250 Hz.
Download and Prepare Data
Download the data from https://ssd.bat365/supportfiles/SPT/data/ using the downloadSupportFile
function. The data set contains two timetables. The timetable X
contains the ECG signal. Timetable Y
contains labels that indicate whether each sample of the ECG signal is normal. As in the previous section, you use the labels only to verify the accuracy of the detector.
datasetZipFile = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile('SPT','data/'); datasetFolder = fullfile(fileparts(datasetZipFile),'PhysionetSDDB'); if ~exist(datasetFolder,'dir') unzip(datasetZipFile,datasetFolder); end ds2 = load(fullfile(datasetFolder,"sddb49.mat")); ecgSignals2 = ds2.X; ecgLabels2 = ds2.y;
Normalize the full signal and visualize it. Overlay the located anomalies. The anomaly detection in this case is challenging because, as often happens in ECG recordings, the signal baseline drifts. These changes in baseline level can easily be misclassified as anomalies.
A common approach to choose training data is to use a segment of the signal where it is evident that there are no anomalies. In many situations, the beginning of a recording is usually normal, such as in this ECG signal. Choose the first 200 seconds of the recording to train the model with purely normal data. Use the rest of the recording to test the performance of the anomaly detector. The training data contain segments with baseline drift, ideally, the detector learns and adapts to this pattern and considers it normal.
dataProcessed = normalize(ecgSignals2); figure plot(dataProcessed.Time,dataProcessed.Variables) hold on plot(dataProcessed(ecgLabels2.anomaly,:).Time,dataProcessed(ecgLabels2.anomaly,:).Variables,".") hold off xlabel("Time (s)") ylabel("Normalized ECG Amplitude") title("sddb49 ECG Signal") legend(["Signal" "Anomaly"])
Split the data set into training and testing sets.
fs = 250; idxTrain2 = 1:200*fs; idxTest2 =idxTrain2(end)+1:height(dataProcessed); dataProcessedTrain = dataProcessed(idxTrain2,:); labelsTrainTrue = ecgLabels2(idxTrain2,:); dataProcessedTest = dataProcessed(idxTest2,:); labelsTestTrue = ecgLabels2(idxTest2,:);
Create and Train Detector
Create a deepSignalAnomalyDetector
with a convolutional autoencoder model.
The training set contains only normal data. So, it is reasonable to use the maximum reconstruction error as a threshold when declaring a signal segment to be an anomaly. Set the ThresholdMethod
property to "max"
. To incorporate the complexity of the signal due to baseline drift, use a larger network than the default. To detect anomalies over each sample of the signal, keep the window length to its default value of one sample.
DCONV2 = deepSignalAnomalyDetector(1,"conv", ... FilterSize=32, ... NumFilters=16, ... NumDownsampleLayers=4, ... ThresholdMethod="max")
DCONV2 = deepSignalAnomalyDetectorCNN with properties: IsTrained: 0 NumChannels: 1 Model Information ModelType: 'convautoencoder' FilterSize: 32 NumFilters: 16 NumDownsampleLayers: 4 DownsampleFactor: 2 DropoutProbability: 0.2000 Threshold Information Threshold: [] ThresholdMethod: 'max' ThresholdParameter: 1 Window Information WindowLength: 1 OverlapLength: 'auto' WindowLossAggregation: 'mean'
To ensure full training of the large network, set the maximum number of epochs to 500. To plot training progress during training instead of presenting it in a table, set the Plots
training option to "training-progress"
and Verbose
to false
opts = trainingOptions("adam",MaxEpochs=500,Plots="training-progress",Verbose=false); trainDetector(DCONV2,dataProcessedTrain,opts)
Detect Anomalies and Evaluate Performance
Plot the reconstruction error distribution of the test signal and compare it to ground truth labels. There is an obvious high loss peak corresponds to the location of an anomaly. The distribution also contains multiple smaller fluctuations.
figure tiledlayout(2,1) nexttile plotLoss(DCONV2,dataProcessed(idxTest2,:)); nexttile stem(ecgLabels2{idxTest2,:},".") grid on yticks([0 1]) yticklabels({"Normal","Abnormal"}) title("Ground Truth Labels") xlabel("Window Index")
View the signal reconstruction in a region of the test set with abnormal heartbeats and in a region of the test set with baseline drift. The reconstructed signal follows the baseline very well and deviates from the original signal only at anomaly points.
plotAnomalies(DCONV2,dataProcessed(250*fs:300*fs,:),PlotReconstruction=true) title("Test Region with Abnormal Heartbeats") grid on
title("Test Region with Baseline Drift")
Case 3: Detect Anomalous Regions in Multichannel Signals
There are scenarios where the data contains multiple signals coming from different measurements. These signals can include acceleration, temperature, and the rotational speed of a motor. You can train the deepSignalAnomalyDetector
object with multivariate signals and detect anomalies in these multi-measurement observations.
Load and Prepare Data
Load the waveform data set WaveformData
. The observations are arrays of size numChannels
, where numChannels
is the number of channels and numTimeSteps
is the number of time steps in the sequence. Transpose the arrays so that the columns correspond to the time steps. Display the first few cells of the data.
load WaveformData
{103×3 double} {136×3 double} {140×3 double} {124×3 double} {127×3 double} {200×3 double} {141×3 double} {151×3 double}
Visualize the first few sequences in a plot.
numChannels = size(data{1},2); tiledlayout(2,2) for ii = 1:4 nexttile stackedplot(data{ii},DisplayLabels="Channel " + (1:numChannels)); title("Observation " + ii) xlabel("Time Step") end
Partition the data into training and test partitions. Use 90% of the data for training and 10% for testing.
numObservations = numel(data);
rng default
[idxTrain3,~,idxTest3] = dividerand(numObservations,0.9,0,0.1);
signalTrain3 = data(idxTrain3);
signalTest3 = data(idxTest3);
Create and Train Detector
Create a default anomaly detector and specify the number of channels as 3.
DCONV3 = deepSignalAnomalyDetector(3,'lstmf',WindowLen = 5);
Iteration Epoch TimeElapsed LearnRate TrainingLoss _________ _____ ___________ _________ ____________ 1 1 00:00:00 0.001 1.3197 50 8 00:00:05 0.001 0.74277 100 15 00:00:11 0.001 0.50886 150 22 00:00:16 0.001 0.44456 200 29 00:00:21 0.001 0.4038 210 30 00:00:22 0.001 0.41962 Training stopped: Max epochs completed Computing threshold... Threshold computation completed.
Detect Anomalies and Evaluate Performance
To test the detector, select 50 data sequences at random and add artificial anomalies to them. Randomly select 50 of the sequences to modify.
signalTest3New = signalTest3;
numAnomalousSequences = 50;
rng default
idx = randperm(numel(signalTest3),numAnomalousSequences);
Select a 20-sample region in a random channel of each chosen sequence and replace it with five times the absolute value of its amplitude.
for ii = 1:numAnomalousSequences X = signalTest3New{idx(ii)}; idxPatch = 40:60; nch = randi(3); OldRegion = X(idxPatch,nch); newRegion = 5*abs(OldRegion); X(idxPatch,nch) = newRegion; signalTest3New{idx(ii)} = X; end
Use the anomaly detector to find the anomalous regions. Visualize the results for two of the signals. The detector determines that an anomaly exists in a signal when any of its channels shows abnormal behavior.
figure plotAnomalies(DCONV3,signalTest3New{idx(2)})
figure plotAnomalies(DCONV3,signalTest3New{idx(20)})
This example shows how to use a deepSignalAnomalyDetector
object trained without labels to detect point, region, or observation anomalies in signal segments, long signals, and multivariate signals.
[1] Donald S. Baim, Wilson S. Colucci, E. Scott Monrad, Harton S. Smith, Richard F. Wright, Alyce Lanoue, Diane F. Gauthier, Bernard J. Ransil, William Grossman W, and Eugene Braunwald. “Survival of Patients with Severe Congestive Heart Failure Treated with Oral Milrinone.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 7, no. 3, (March 1986): 661–70.
[2] Greenwald, Scott David. "Development and analysis of a ventricular fibrillation detector." (M.S. thesis, MIT Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1986).
[3] Goldberger, Ary L., Luis A. N. Amaral, Leon Glass, Jeffrey M. Hausdorff, Plamen Ch. Ivanov, Roger G. Mark, Joseph E. Mietus, George B. Moody, Chung-Kang Peng, and H. Eugene Stanley. “PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals.” Circulation 101, no. 23 (June 13, 2000):
Supporting Function
function helperPlotECG(ecgData,ecgLabels) figure(Position=[0 0 900 250]) tiledlayout(1,3,TileSpacing="compact"); classes = {"N","r","V"}; for i=1:length(classes) x = ecgData(ecgLabels==classes{i}); nexttile plot(x{4}) xticks([0 70 length(x{4})]) axis tight title("Signal with class "+classes{i}) end end
See Also
(Signal Processing Toolbox)
(Signal Processing Toolbox) |deepSignalAnomalyDetectorLSTM
(Signal Processing Toolbox)