trains the neural network specified by netTrained
= trainnet(images
for image tasks using the
images and targets specified by images
and the training options
defined by options
trains a neural network for sequence or time-series tasks (for example, an LSTM or GRU
neural network) using the sequences and targets specified by
= trainnet(sequences
trains a neural network for feature tasks (for example, a multilayer perceptron (MLP)
neural network) using the feature data and targets specified by
= trainnet(features
trains a neural network with other data layouts or combinations of different types of
= trainnet(data
also returns information on the training using any of
the previous syntaxes.netTrained
= trainnet(___)
Train Neural Network with Image Data
If you have a data set of images, then you can train a deep neural network using an image input layer.
Unzip the digit sample data and create an image datastore. The imageDatastore
function automatically labels the images based on folder names.
unzip("") imds = imageDatastore("DigitsData", ... IncludeSubfolders=true, ... LabelSource="foldernames");
Divide the data into training and test data sets, so that each category in the training set contains 750 images, and the test set contains the remaining images from each label. splitEachLabel
splits the image datastore into two new datastores for training and test.
numTrainFiles = 750;
[imdsTrain,imdsTest] = splitEachLabel(imds,numTrainFiles,"randomized");
Define the convolutional neural network architecture. Specify the size of the images in the input layer of the network and the number of classes in the final fully connected layer. Each image is 28-by-28-by-1 pixels.
inputSize = [28 28 1]; numClasses = numel(categories(imds.Labels)); layers = [ imageInputLayer(inputSize) convolution2dLayer(5,20) batchNormalizationLayer reluLayer fullyConnectedLayer(numClasses) softmaxLayer];
Specify the training options.
Train using the SGDM solver.
Train for four epochs.
Monitor the training progress in a plot and monitor the accuracy metric.
Disable the verbose output.
options = trainingOptions("sgdm", ... MaxEpochs=4, ... Verbose=false, ... Plots="training-progress", ... Metrics="accuracy");
Train the neural network. For classification, use cross-entropy loss.
net = trainnet(imdsTrain,layers,"crossentropy",options);
Test the network using the labeled test set.
Extract the image data and labels from the test datastore.
XTest = readall(imdsTest); TTest = imdsTest.Labels; classNames = categories(TTest);
Concatenate the images into a numeric array and convert it to single.
XTest = cat(4,XTest{:}); XTest = single(XTest);
Predict the classification scores using the trained network then convert the predictions to labels using the onehotdecode
YTest = predict(net,XTest); YTest = onehotdecode(YTest,classNames,2);
Visualize the predictions in a confusion chart.
Train Network with Tabular Data
If you have a data set of numeric features (for example tabular data without spatial or time dimensions), then you can train a deep neural network using a feature input layer.
Read the transmission casing data from the CSV file "transmissionCasingData.csv"
filename = "transmissionCasingData.csv"; tbl = readtable(filename,TextType="String");
Convert the labels for prediction to categorical using the convertvars
labelName = "GearToothCondition"; tbl = convertvars(tbl,labelName,"categorical");
To train a network using categorical features, you must first convert the categorical features to numeric. First, convert the categorical predictors to categorical using the convertvars
function by specifying a string array containing the names of all the categorical input variables. In this data set, there are two categorical features with names "SensorCondition"
and "ShaftCondition"
categoricalPredictorNames = ["SensorCondition" "ShaftCondition"]; tbl = convertvars(tbl,categoricalPredictorNames,"categorical");
Loop over the categorical input variables. For each variable, convert the categorical values to one-hot encoded vectors using the onehotencode
for i = 1:numel(categoricalPredictorNames) name = categoricalPredictorNames(i); tbl.(name) = onehotencode(tbl.(name),2); end
View the first few rows of the table. Notice that the categorical predictors have been split into multiple columns.
SigMean SigMedian SigRMS SigVar SigPeak SigPeak2Peak SigSkewness SigKurtosis SigCrestFactor SigMAD SigRangeCumSum SigCorrDimension SigApproxEntropy SigLyapExponent PeakFreq HighFreqPower EnvPower PeakSpecKurtosis SensorCondition ShaftCondition GearToothCondition ________ _________ ______ _______ _______ ____________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _______ ______________ ________________ ________________ _______________ ________ _____________ ________ ________________ _______________ ______________ __________________ -0.94876 -0.9722 1.3726 0.98387 0.81571 3.6314 -0.041525 2.2666 2.0514 0.8081 28562 1.1429 0.031581 79.931 0 6.75e-06 3.23e-07 162.13 0 1 1 0 No Tooth Fault -0.97537 -0.98958 1.3937 0.99105 0.81571 3.6314 -0.023777 2.2598 2.0203 0.81017 29418 1.1362 0.037835 70.325 0 5.08e-08 9.16e-08 226.12 0 1 1 0 No Tooth Fault 1.0502 1.0267 1.4449 0.98491 2.8157 3.6314 -0.04162 2.2658 1.9487 0.80853 31710 1.1479 0.031565 125.19 0 6.74e-06 2.85e-07 162.13 0 1 0 1 No Tooth Fault 1.0227 1.0045 1.4288 0.99553 2.8157 3.6314 -0.016356 2.2483 1.9707 0.81324 30984 1.1472 0.032088 112.5 0 4.99e-06 2.4e-07 162.13 0 1 0 1 No Tooth Fault 1.0123 1.0024 1.4202 0.99233 2.8157 3.6314 -0.014701 2.2542 1.9826 0.81156 30661 1.1469 0.03287 108.86 0 3.62e-06 2.28e-07 230.39 0 1 0 1 No Tooth Fault 1.0275 1.0102 1.4338 1.0001 2.8157 3.6314 -0.02659 2.2439 1.9638 0.81589 31102 1.0985 0.033427 64.576 0 2.55e-06 1.65e-07 230.39 0 1 0 1 No Tooth Fault 1.0464 1.0275 1.4477 1.0011 2.8157 3.6314 -0.042849 2.2455 1.9449 0.81595 31665 1.1417 0.034159 98.838 0 1.73e-06 1.55e-07 230.39 0 1 0 1 No Tooth Fault 1.0459 1.0257 1.4402 0.98047 2.8157 3.6314 -0.035405 2.2757 1.955 0.80583 31554 1.1345 0.0353 44.223 0 1.11e-06 1.39e-07 230.39 0 1 0 1 No Tooth Fault
View the class names of the data set.
classNames = categories(tbl{:,labelName})
classNames = 2x1 cell
{'No Tooth Fault'}
{'Tooth Fault' }
Set aside data for testing. Partition the data into a training set containing 85% of the data and a test set containing the remaining 15% of the data. To partition the data, use the trainingPartitions
function, attached to this example as a supporting file. To access this file, open the example as a live script.
numObservations = size(tbl,1); [idxTrain,idxTest] = trainingPartitions(numObservations,[0.85 0.15]); tblTrain = tbl(idxTrain,:); tblTest = tbl(idxTest,:);
Convert the data to a format that the trainnet
function supports. Convert the predictors and targets to numeric and categorical arrays, respectively. For feature input, the network expects data with rows that correspond to observations and columns that correspond to the features. If your data has a different layout, then you can preprocess your data to have this layout or you can provide layout information using data formats. For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
predictorNames = ["SigMean" "SigMedian" "SigRMS" "SigVar" "SigPeak" "SigPeak2Peak" ... "SigSkewness" "SigKurtosis" "SigCrestFactor" "SigMAD" "SigRangeCumSum" ... "SigCorrDimension" "SigApproxEntropy" "SigLyapExponent" "PeakFreq" ... "HighFreqPower" "EnvPower" "PeakSpecKurtosis" "SensorCondition" "ShaftCondition"]; XTrain = table2array(tblTrain(:,predictorNames)); TTrain = tblTrain.(labelName); XTest = table2array(tblTest(:,predictorNames)); TTest = tblTest.(labelName);
Define a network with a feature input layer and specify the number of features. Also, configure the input layer to normalize the data using Z-score normalization.
numFeatures = size(XTrain,2);
numClasses = numel(classNames);
layers = [
Specify the training options:
Train using the L-BFGS solver. This solver suits tasks with small networks and when the data fits in memory.
Train using the CPU. Because the network and data is small, the CPU is better suited.
Display the training progress in a plot.
Suppress the verbose output.
options = trainingOptions("lbfgs", ... ExecutionEnvironment="cpu", ... Plots="training-progress", ... Verbose=false);
Train the network using the trainnet
function. For classification, use cross-entropy loss.
net = trainnet(XTrain,TTrain,layers,"crossentropy",options);
Predict the labels of the test data using the trained network. Predict the classification scores using the trained network then convert the predictions to labels using the onehotdecode
YTest = predict(net,XTest); YTest = onehotdecode(YTest,classNames,2);
Visualize the predictions in a confusion chart.
Calculate the classification accuracy, The accuracy is the proportion of the labels that the network predicts correctly.
accuracy = mean(YTest == TTest)
accuracy = 0.9062
Input Arguments
— Image data
numeric array | dlarray
object | datastore
Image data, specified as a numeric array, dlarray
object, or a
For sequences of images, for example video data, use the
input argument.
If you have data that fits in memory that does not require additional processing
such as data augmentation, then it is usually easiest to specify the input data as a
numeric array. If you want to train with image files stored on disk, or want to apply
additional processing such as data augmentation, then it is usually easiest to use
datastores. For neural networks with multiple inputs, you must use a TransformedDatastore
or CombinedDatastore
Neural networks expect input data with a specific layout. For example image classification networks typically expect an image to be represented as a h-by-w-by-c numeric array, where h, w, and c are the height, width, and number of channels of the images, respectively. Most neural networks have an input layer that specifies the expected layout of the data.
Most datastores and functions output data in the layout that the network expects. If your data is in a different layout to what the network expects, then indicate that your data has a different layout by using the InputDataFormats
training option or by specifying input data as a formatted dlarray
object. It is usually easiest to adjust the InputDataFormats
training option than to preprocess the input data.
For neural networks that do not have input layers, you must use the
training option or use formatted
For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Numeric Array or dlarray
For data that fits in memory and does not require additional processing like
augmentation, you can specify a data set of images as a numeric array or a
object. If you specify images as a numeric array or a
object, then you must also specify the
The layout of numeric arrays and unformatted dlarray
depend on the type of image data and must be consistent with the
training option.
Most networks expect image data in these layouts:
Data | Layout |
2-D images | h-by-w-by-c-by-N array, where h, w, and c are the height, width, and number of channels of the images, respectively, and N is the number of images. Data in this layout has the data format
3-D images | h-by-w-by-d-by-c-by-N array, where h, w, d, and c are the height, width, depth, and number of channels of the images, respectively, and N is the number of images. Data in this
layout has the data format |
For data in a different layout, indicate that your data has a different layout by
using the InputDataFormats
training option or use a formatted
object. For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Datastores read batches of images and targets. Datastores are best suited when you have data that does not fit in memory or when you want to apply augmentations or transformations to the data.
For image data, the trainnet
function supports these
Datastore | Description | Example Usage |
ImageDatastore | Datastore of images saved on disk. | Train image classification neural network with images saved on
disk, where the images are the same size. When the images are different
sizes, use an
AugmentedImageDatastore | Datastore that applies random affine geometric transformations, including resizing, rotation, reflection, shear, and translation. |
TransformedDatastore | Datastore that transforms batches of data read from an underlying datastore using a custom transformation function. |
CombinedDatastore | Datastore that reads from two or more underlying datastores. |
PixelLabelImageDatastore (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Datastore that applies identical affine geometric transformations to images and corresponding pixel labels. | Train neural network for semantic segmentation. |
RandomPatchExtractionDatastore (Image Processing Toolbox) | Datastore that extracts pairs of random patches from images or pixel label images and optionally applies identical random affine geometric transformations to the pairs. | Train neural network for object detection. |
DenoisingImageDatastore (Image Processing Toolbox) | Datastore that applies randomly generated Gaussian noise. | Train neural network for image denoising. |
Custom mini-batch datastore | Custom datastore that returns mini-batches of data. | Train neural network using data in a layout that other datastores do not support. For details, see Develop Custom Mini-Batch Datastore. |
Use augmentedImageDatastore
for efficient preprocessing of images for deep
learning, including image resizing. Do not use the ReadFcn
option of
allows batch reading of JPG or PNG image files using
prefetching. If you set the ReadFcn
option to a custom function, then
does not prefetch and is usually significantly
You can use other built-in datastores for training deep learning neural networks
by using the transform
and combine
functions. These functions can convert the data read from datastores to the layout
required by the trainnet
function. The required layout of the
datastore output depends on the neural network architecture. For more information, see
Datastore Customization.
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
Complex Number Support: Yes
— Sequence or time series data
cell array of numeric arrays | cell array of dlarray
objects | numeric array | dlarray
object | datastore
Sequence or time series data, specified a numeric array, a cell array of numeric
arrays, a dlarray
object, a cell array of dlarray
objects, or a datastore.
If you have sequences of the same length that fits in memory that does not require
additional processing, then it is usually easiest to specify the input data as a numeric
array. If you have sequences of different lengths that fit in memory that does not
require additional processing, then it is usually easiest to specify the input data as a
cell array of numeric arrays. If you want to train with sequences stored on disk, or
want to apply additional processing such as custom transformations, then it is usually
easiest to use datastores. For neural networks with multiple inputs, you must use a
or CombinedDatastore
Neural networks expect input data with a specific layout. For example vector-sequence classification networks typically expect a sequence to be represented as a t-by-c numeric array, where t and c are the number of time steps and channels of sequences, respectively. Neural networks typically have an input layer that specifies the expected layout of the data.
Most datastores and functions output data in the layout that the network expects. If your data is in a different layout to what the network expects, then indicate that your data has a different layout by using the InputDataFormats
training option or by specifying input data as a formatted dlarray
object. It is usually easiest to adjust the InputDataFormats
training option than to preprocess the input data.
For neural networks that do not have input layers, you must use the
training option or use formatted
For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Numeric or Cell Array
For data that fits in memory and does not require additional processing like
custom transformations, you can specify a single sequence as a numeric array or a data
set of sequences as a cell array of numeric arrays. If you specify sequences as a cell
or numeric array, then you must also specify the targets
For cell array input, the cell array must be an
N-by-1 cell array of numeric arrays, where N
is the number of observations. The size and shape of the numeric array representing a
sequence depends on the type of sequence data and must be consistent with the
training option.
This table describes the expected layout of data for a neural network with a sequence input layer.
Data | Layout |
Vector sequences | s-by-c matrices, where s and c are the numbers of channels (features) and time steps of the sequences, respectively. |
1-D image sequences | h-by-c-by-s arrays, where h and c correspond to the height and number of channels of the images, respectively, and s is the sequence length. |
2-D image sequences | h-by-w-by-c-by-s arrays, where h, w, and c correspond to the height, width, and number of channels of the images, respectively, and s is the sequence length. |
3-D image sequences | h-by-w-by-d-by-c-by-s, where h, w, d, and c correspond to the height, width, depth, and number of channels of the 3-D images, respectively, and s is the sequence length. |
For data in a different layout, indicate that your data has a different layout by
using the InputDataFormats
training option or use a formatted
object. For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Datastores read batches of sequences and targets. Datastores are best suited when you have data that does not fit in memory or when you want to apply transformations to the data.
For sequence and time-series data, the trainnet
supports these datastores:
Datastore | Description | Example Usage |
TransformedDatastore | Datastore that transforms batches of data read from an underlying datastore using a custom transformation function. |
CombinedDatastore | Datastore that reads from two or more underlying datastores. | Combine predictors and targets from different data sources. |
Custom mini-batch datastore | Custom datastore that returns mini-batches of data. | Train neural network using data in a layout that other datastores do not support. For details, see Develop Custom Mini-Batch Datastore. |
You can use other built-in datastores for training deep learning neural networks
by using the transform
and combine
functions. These functions can convert the data read from datastores to the layout
required by the trainnet
function. For example, you can transform
and combine data read from in-memory arrays and CSV files using
and TabularTextDatastore
respectively. The required layout of the datastore output depends on the neural
network architecture. For more information, see Datastore Customization.
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
| cell
Complex Number Support: Yes
— Feature or tabular data
datastore | numeric array
Feature or tabular data, specified as a numeric array or a datastore.
If you have data that fits in memory that does not require additional processing,
then it is usually easiest to specify the input data as a numeric array. If you want to
train with feature or tabular data stored on disk, or want to apply additional
processing such as custom transformations, then it is usually easiest to use datastores.
For neural networks with multiple inputs, you must use a TransformedDatastore
or CombinedDatastore
Neural networks expect input data with a specific layout. For example feature classification networks typically expect feature and tabular data to be represented as a 1-by-c vector, where c is the number features of the data. Neural networks typically have an input layer that specifies the expected layout of the data.
Most datastores and functions output data in the layout that the network expects. If your data is in a different layout to what the network expects, then indicate that your data has a different layout by using the InputDataFormats
training option or by specifying input data as a formatted dlarray
object. It is usually easiest to adjust the InputDataFormats
training option than to preprocess the input data.
For neural networks that do not have input layers, you must use the
training option or use formatted
For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Numeric Array
For feature data that fits in memory and does not require additional processing
like custom transformations, you can specify feature data as a numeric array. If you
specify feature data as a numeric array, then you must also specify the
For a neural network with a feature input layer, the expected layout of input data
is an N-by-numFeatures
numeric array, where
N is the number of observations and
is the number of features of the input data.
Datastores read batches of feature data and targets. Datastores are best suited when you have data that does not fit in memory or when you want to apply transformations to the data.
For feature and tabular data, the trainnet
function supports
these datastores:
Data Type | Description | Example Usage |
TransformedDatastore | Datastore that transforms batches of data read from an underlying datastore using a custom transformation function. |
CombinedDatastore | Datastore that reads from two or more underlying datastores. |
Custom mini-batch datastore | Custom datastore that returns mini-batches of data. | Train neural network using data in a layout that other datastores do not support. For details, see Develop Custom Mini-Batch Datastore. |
You can use other built-in datastores for training deep learning neural networks
by using the transform
and combine
functions. These functions can convert the data read from datastores to the table or
cell array format required by trainnet
. For more information, see
Datastore Customization.
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
Complex Number Support: Yes
— Generic data or combinations of data types
numeric array | dlarray
object | datastore
Generic data or combinations of data types, specified as a numeric array,
object, or a datastore.
If you have data that fits in memory that does not require additional processing,
then it is usually easiest to specify the input data as a numeric array. If you want to
train with data stored on disk, or want to apply additional processing, then it is
usually easiest to use datastores. For neural networks with multiple inputs, you must
use a TransformedDatastore
or CombinedDatastore
Neural networks expect input data with a specific layout. For example vector-sequence classification networks typically expect a sequence to be represented as a t-by-c numeric array, where t and c are the number of time steps and channels of sequences, respectively. Neural networks typically have an input layer that specifies the expected layout of the data.
Most datastores and functions output data in the layout that the network expects. If your data is in a different layout to what the network expects, then indicate that your data has a different layout by using the InputDataFormats
training option or by specifying input data as a formatted dlarray
object. It is usually easiest to adjust the InputDataFormats
training option than to preprocess the input data.
For neural networks that do not have input layers, you must use the
training option or use formatted
For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Numeric or dlarray
For data that fits in memory and does not require additional processing like
custom transformations, you can specify feature data as a numeric array. If you
specify feature data as a numeric array, then you must also specify the
For a neural network with an inputLayer
object, the expected
layout of input data is a given by the InputFormat
property of the
For data in a different layout, indicate that your data has a different layout by
using the InputDataFormats
training option or use a formatted
object. For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Datastores read batches of data and targets. Datastores are best suited when you have data that does not fit in memory or when you want to apply transformations to the data.
Generic data or combinations of data types, the trainnet
function supports these datastores:
Data Type | Description | Example Usage |
TransformedDatastore | Datastore that transforms batches of data read from an underlying datastore using a custom transformation function. |
CombinedDatastore | Datastore that reads from two or more underlying datastores. |
Custom mini-batch datastore | Custom datastore that returns mini-batches of data. | Train neural network using data in a format that other datastores do not support. For details, see Develop Custom Mini-Batch Datastore. |
You can use other built-in datastores for training deep learning neural networks
by using the transform
and combine
functions. These functions can convert the data read from datastores to the table or
cell array format required by trainnet
. For more information,
see Datastore Customization.
— Training targets
categorical array | numeric array | cell array of sequences
Training targets, specified as a categorical array, numeric array, or a cell array of sequences.
Loss functions expect data with a specific layout. For example for sequence-to-vector regression networks, the loss function typically expects a target vectors to be represented as a 1-by-R vector, where R is the number of responses.
Most datastores and functions output data in the layout that the loss function
expects. If your target data is in a different layout to what the loss function
expects, then indicate that your targets have a different layout by using the
training option or by specifying the target
data as a formatted dlarray
object. It is usually easiest to adjust
the TargetDataFormats
training option than to preprocess the
target data.
For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
The expected layout of the targets depends on the loss function and the type of task. The targets listed here are only a subset. The loss functions may support additional targets with different layouts such as targets with additional dimensions. For custom loss functions, the software uses the format information of the network output data to determine the type of target data and applies the corresponding layout in this table.
Loss Function | Target | Target Layout |
"crossentropy" | Categorical labels | N-by-1 categorical vector of labels, where N is the number of observations. |
Sequences of categorical labels |
| |
"binary-crossentropy" | Binary labels (single label) | N-by-1 vector, where N is the number of observations. |
Binary labels (mutlilabel) | N-by-c vector, where N and c are the numbers of observations and classes, respectively. | |
| Numeric scalars | N-by-1 vector, where N is the number of observations. |
Numeric vectors | N-by-R matrix, where N is the number of observations and R is the number of responses. | |
2-D images | h-by-w-by-c-by-N numeric array, where h, w, and c are the height, width, and number of channels of the images, respectively, and N is the number of images. | |
3-D images |
| |
Numeric sequences of scalars |
| |
Numeric sequences of vectors |
| |
Sequences of 1-D images |
| |
Sequences of 2-D images |
| |
Sequences of 2-D images |
For targets in a different layout, indicate that your targets has a different layout
by using the TargetDataFormats
training option or use a formatted
object. For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Normalizing the targets often helps to stabilize and speed up training of neural networks for regression. For more information, see Train Convolutional Neural Network for Regression.
— Neural network architecture
object | layer array
Neural network architecture, specified as a dlnetwork
object or a
layer array.
For a list of supported layers, see List of Deep Learning Layers.
— Loss function
| "binary-crossentropy"
| "mse"
| "mean-squared-error"
| "l2loss"
| "mae"
| "mean-absolute-error"
| "l1loss"
| "huber"
| function handle
Loss function to use for training, specified as one of these values:
— Cross-entropy loss for classification tasks."binary-crossentropy"
— Binary cross-entropy loss for binary and multilabel classification tasks."mse"
— Mean squared error for regression tasks."mae"
— Mean absolute error for regression tasks."huber"
— Huber loss for regression tasksFunction handle with the syntax
loss = f(Y1,...,Yn,T1,...,Tm)
, whereY1,...,Yn
objects that correspond to then
network predictions andT1,...,Tm
objects that correspond to them
For weighted cross-entropy, use the function handle @(Y,T)
— Training options
| TrainingOptionsRMSProp
| TrainingOptionsADAM
| TrainingOptionsLBFGS
Training options, specified as a TrainingOptionsSGDM
, TrainingOptionsADAM
, or
object returned by the trainingOptions
Output Arguments
— Trained network
Trained network, returned as a dlnetwork
— Training information
Training information, returned as a TrainingInfo
object with these properties:
— Information about training iterationsValidationHistory
— Information about validation iterationsOutputNetworkIteration
— Iteration that corresponds to trained networkStopReason
— Reason why training stopped
You can also use info
to open and close the training progress
plot using the show
For regression tasks, normalizing the targets often helps to stabilize and speed up training. For more information, see Train Convolutional Neural Network for Regression.
In most cases, if the predictor or targets contain
values, then they are propagated through the network and the training fails to converge.To input complex-valued data into a neural network, the
option of the input layer must be1
.To convert a numeric array to a datastore, use
.When you combine layers in a neural network with mixed types of data, you may need to reformat the data before passing it to a combination layer (such as a concatenation or an addition layer). To reformat the data, you can use a flatten layer to flatten the spatial dimensions into the channel dimension, or create a
object or custom layer that reformats and reshapes the data.
Datastore Customization
Most datastores output data in the layout that neural networks expect. If you create your own datastore, or apply custom transformations to datastores, then you must ensure that the datastore outputs data in the supported layout.
There are two main aspects:
The structure of the batch of data. The datastore must output a table or cell array with rows that correspond to observations, and columns that correspond to the inputs and targets.
The layout of the predictors and targets. For example, the predictors and targets must be in a layout that is supported by the network and loss function.
When you use a datastore for training a neural network, the structure of the datastore output depends on the neural network architecture.
Neural Network Architecture | Datastore Output | Example Output |
Single input layer | Table or cell array with two columns. The first and second columns specify the predictors and targets, respectively. Table elements must be scalars, row vectors, or 1-by-1 cell arrays containing a numeric array. Custom mini-batch datastores must output tables. | Table for neural network with one input and one output: data = read(ds) data = 4×2 table Predictors Response __________________ ________ {224×224×3 double} 2 {224×224×3 double} 7 {224×224×3 double} 9 {224×224×3 double} 9 |
Cell array for neural network with one input and one output: data = read(ds) data = 4×2 cell array {224×224×3 double} {[2]} {224×224×3 double} {[7]} {224×224×3 double} {[9]} {224×224×3 double} {[9]} | ||
Multiple input layers | Cell array with ( The first The order of inputs is given by the
| Cell array for neural network with two inputs and one output. data = read(ds) data = 4×3 cell array {224×224×3 double} {128×128×3 double} {[2]} {224×224×3 double} {128×128×3 double} {[2]} {224×224×3 double} {128×128×3 double} {[9]} {224×224×3 double} {128×128×3 double} {[9]} |
The datastore must return data in a table or cell array. Custom mini-batch datastores must output tables.
Neural networks and loss functions expect input data with a specific layout. For example vector-sequence classification networks typically expect a sequence to be represented as a t-by-c numeric array, where t and c are the number of time steps and channels of sequences, respectively. Neural networks typically have an input layer that specifies the expected layout of the data.
Most datastores and functions output data in the layout that the networks and loss
functions expect. If your data is in a different layout to what the network or loss
function expects, then indicate that your data has a different layout by using the
and TargetDataFormats
options or by specifying the data as a formatted dlarray
objects. It is
usually easiest to adjust the InputDataFormats
training options than to preprocess the input
For neural networks that do not have input layers, you must use the
training option or use formatted
For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Most networks expect these data layouts of predictors:
Image Input
Data | Predictor Layout |
2-D images | h-by-w-by-c numeric array, where h, w, and c are the height, width, and number of channels of the images, respectively. |
3-D images | h-by-w-by-d-by-c numeric array, where h, w, d, and c are the height, width, depth, and number of channels of the images, respectively. |
Sequence Input
Data | Predictor Layout |
Vector sequence | c-by-s matrix, where c is the number of features of the sequence and s is the sequence length. |
1-D image sequence | h-by-c-by-s array, where h and c correspond to the height and number of channels of the image, respectively, and s is the sequence length. Each sequence in the batch must have the same sequence length. |
2-D image sequence | h-by-w-by-c-by-s array, where h, w, and c correspond to the height, width, and number of channels of the image, respectively, and s is the sequence length. Each sequence in the batch must have the same sequence length. |
3-D image sequence | h-by-w-by-d-by-c-by-s array, where h, w, d, and c correspond to the height, width, depth, and number of channels of the image, respectively, and s is the sequence length. Each sequence in the batch must have the same sequence length. |
Feature Input
Data | Predictor Layout |
Features | c-by-1 column vectors, where c is the number of features. |
Most loss functions expect these data layouts for targets:
Target | Target Layout |
Categorical labels | Categorical scalar. |
Sequences of categorical labels | t-by-1 categorical vector, where t is the number of time steps. |
Binary labels (single label) | Numeric scalar |
Binary labels (mutlilabel) | 1-by-c vector, where c is the numbers of classes, respectively. |
Numeric scalars | Numeric scalar |
Numeric vectors | 1-by-R vector, where R is the number of responses. |
2-D images | h-by-w-by-c numeric array, where h, w, and c are the height, width, and number of channels of the images, respectively. |
3-D images | h-by-w-by-d-by-c numeric array, where h, w, d, and c are the height, width, depth, and number of channels of the images, respectively. |
Numeric sequences of scalars | t-by-1 vector, where t is the numbers of time steps. |
Numeric sequences of vectors | t-by-c array, where t, and c are the numbers of time steps and channels, respectively. |
Sequences of 1-D images | h-by-c-by-t array, where h, c, and t are the height, number of channels, and number of numbers of time steps of the sequences, respectively. |
Sequences of 2-D images | h-by-w-by-c-by-t array, where h, w, c, and t are the height, width, number of channels, and number of numbers of time steps of the sequences, respectively. |
Sequences of 2-D images | h-by-w-by-d-by-c-by-t array, where h, w, d, c, and t are the height, width, depth, number of channels, and number of numbers of time steps of the sequences, respectively. |
For more information, see Deep Learning Data Formats.
Version History
Introduced in R2023b
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