rsys = repsys(sys,[MN])
replicates the model sys into an
M-by-N tiling pattern. The resulting model
rsys has size(sys,1)*M outputs and
size(sys,2)*N inputs.
rsys = repsys(sys,N)
creates an N-by-N tiling. This syntax produces the
same result as rsys = repsys(sys,[N N]). To produce a diagonal tiling,
use rsys = sys*eye(N).
rsys = repsys(sys,[MN,S1 S2 ... SK])
replicates and tiles sys along both I/O and array dimensions to produce
a model array. The indices S specify the array dimensions. The size of
the array is [size(sys,1)*M, size(sys,2)*N, size(sys,3)*S1, ...].
Create a single-input single-output (SISO) transfer function.
sys = tf(2,[1 3])
sys =
s + 3
Continuous-time transfer function.
Replicate the SISO transfer function to create a MIMO transfer function that has three inputs and two outputs.
rsys = repsys(sys,[2 3])
rsys =
From input 1 to output...
1: -----
s + 3
2: -----
s + 3
From input 2 to output...
1: -----
s + 3
2: -----
s + 3
From input 3 to output...
1: -----
s + 3
2: -----
s + 3
Continuous-time transfer function.
Alternatively, you can obtain the MIMO transfer function as follows:
rsys = [sys sys sys; sys sys sys];
Replicate SISO Transfer Function to Create Array of Transfer Functions
sys — Dynamic system dynamic system model | model array
Dynamic system (SISO or MIMO), specified as one of the following dynamic system
models or an array of such models.
Continuous-time or discrete-time numeric LTI models, such as tf, zpk, or ss models.
Generalized or uncertain LTI models such as genss or uss (Robust Control Toolbox) models. (Using uncertain models requires Robust Control Toolbox™ software.)
Frequency-response data models, such as frd models.
Identified LTI models, such as idtf (System Identification Toolbox), idss (System Identification Toolbox), or idproc (System Identification Toolbox) models. (Using identified models
requires System Identification Toolbox™ software.)
M — Number of replications along output dimension positive integer
Number of replications of sys along the output dimension,
specified as a positive integer.
N — Number of replications along input dimension positive integer
Number of replications of sys along the input dimension,
specified as a positive integer.
S1 S2 ... SK — Number of replications along array dimensions positive integers
Numbers of replications of sys along array dimensions,
specified as positive integers.
rsys — Replicated dynamic system dynamic system model | model array
Replicated dynamic system, returned as a dynamic system model or model array.
If you specify sys as a single SISO or MIMO model and you do
not specify array dimensions S1,..., SK, then
rsys is a dynamic system model with
size(sys,1)*M outputs and size(sys,2)*N
Otherwise, rsys is an array of dynamic systems, each with
size(sys,1)*M outputs and size(sys,2)*N inputs.
The size of rsys is [size(sys,1)*M, size(sys,2)*N,
size(sys,3)*S1, ...].