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Class: coder.fftw.StandaloneFFTW3Interface
Namespace: coder.fftw

Update the build information for linking to a specific FFTW library


coder.fftw.StandaloneFFTW3Interface.updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, ctx)


coder.fftw.StandaloneFFTW3Interface.updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, ctx) updates the build information to link to a specific FFTW library.

An FFT library callback class that derives from a coder.fftw.StandaloneFFTW3Interface class specifies the FFTW library.

Input Arguments

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After code generation, the build information object contains standard project, build option, and dependency information. In the updateBuildInfo method, to add the information for linking to a specific FFTW library, use build information methods.

Implement the coder.BuildConfig getStdLibInfo method to get the platform-specific file extension to use at link time.


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In a class that derives from coder.fft.StandaloneFFTW3Interface, implement a method updateBuildInfo that updates the build information to link to a specific FFTW library.

Use the updateBuildInfo method in this example coder.fftw.StandaloneFFTW3Interface class as a template.

% copyright 2017 The bat365, Inc.

classdef useMyFFTW < coder.fftw.StandaloneFFTW3Interface
    methods (Static)
        function th = getNumThreads
            th = int32(coder.const(1));
        function updateBuildInfo(buildInfo, ctx)
            fftwLocation = '/usr/lib/fftw';
            includePath = fullfile(fftwLocation, 'include');
            libPath = fullfile(fftwLocation, 'lib');
            libName1 = 'libfftw3-3';
            [~, libExt] = ctx.getStdLibInfo();
            libName1 = [libName1 libExt];
            addLinkObjects(buildInfo, libName1, libPath, 1000, true, true);
             libName2 = 'libfftw3f-3';
            [~, libExt] = ctx.getStdLibInfo();
            libName2 = [libName2 libExt];
            addLinkObjects(buildInfo, libName2, libPath, 1000, true, true);

In your updateBuildInfo method, set:

  • fftwLocation to the full path for your installation of the library.

  • includePath to the full path of the folder that contains the FFTW library header file.

  • libPath to the full path of the folder that contains the library files.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b